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  • [Canada] Vampiric_Hunter Guard App

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Vampiric, Nov 11, 2014.


    Would I be a good Prison Guard?(Comment why below)

    1. Yes

    2. No

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    1. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Hello everyone my name is Hunter. I currently live in Canada and have been playing this server just over a year now. You may like me, respect me, or you may not, personally I don't like myself, the person I am, but I put everyone at an equal level and everyone above myself, I am not laid-back nor am I strict but whatever your personal opinion of me is I'd like if you kept that to yourself while reading/commenting. Thank you all in advance for reading my application and giving me the chance to apply.

      How old are you?
      I am currently 16 years old
      Your in-game name:
      My in-game name is Vampiric_Hunter, although most people just call me Vamp, or Vampiric
      What timezone are you in?
      PTZ(Can be on in AWST as well)
      What country do you live in?
      What languages do you speak?
      I speak fluent and proper English, I also speak French but it's not a commonly used language of mine.
      Why do you think you should be a Guard?
      The reason that I'm applying to be a Guard for this server is that there are too many Global Moderators that yes, do their job, but they can't always monitor the servers. I like the new system where you have to apply for 2 servers, but I feel like I can still devote my time more to the majority of one server to make sure that I do the best, and most effective job I can. I see people breaking the rules on this server because they can, and although reporting people helps, I still feel as if there aren't enough people able to moderate the server, the Guard position is a good idea because it allows specific staff for one server, while devoting the majority of their time to one server. I know I would be fit for this position not only because I'm active, but because it means something to me.

      Most of the servers I have played on do not have the kind of structured community Mineverse does. I believe that this is important to a server's success because without a community there's just a playerbase of chaos, players are something, they come and go, but a community is an group of people set to accomplish the same goal, that is to have fun on the server in one way or another, a server community is like a family, and it means something to me, and to many people in it, I am thankful for that, and thankful for the opportunity to apply.

      I really like the network that has been built up here and I have loved being a part of the community for the time that I have, now that I've been in the community a while now I can see that the majority of it is really helpful, nice, and I would like to show my appreciation of that by applying for Guard, to be able to help and give back to the community that's been so welcoming to me. Here are some qualities I think would make me a good Guard.

      Honest: I am always honest about things that I am involved in, whether it be good or bad, I don't have to be called out on doing something, if I have done something I know is wrong(Which I always try to), I will come clean about it, or resolve the problem myself and then inform somebody of it.
      Focused: When it comes down to doing multiple tasks I am able to focus on the task at hand and do the job more efficiently, getting everything done in a decent time range, while still doing the best job I can, that's what I'm about when it comes to responsibilities, I don't take breaks until something is done, and I always make sure to put my full effort into everything until the end.
      Active: I am on the server every single day, and I can come on for about 8 hours(Not constant), I stay up late on the server, I wake up fairly early, and I spend all the time I have on the server either helping new players, looking on the forums, or taking a break to get more money on it, I don't always get time to actually play on the server, but I help out.
      Knowledgeable: I am very knowledgeable about the Mineverse servers, especially Prison, along with the Skyblock servers founded by Crew, I have played both of them, and go on the majority of the servers on MV, I am experienced on all of the servers in the Crew family that I have played and I am able to give information about them if need be.
      Trustworthy: I am always showing that I can be trusted with things, one of the ways I show this is I am always reliable when it comes to trading, or if I give somebody help people trust it to be correct, and so far I haven't let anybody down, I don't believe I will, and I don't plan to.
      Mature: I believe I am a relatively mature person, I'm not one to be really strict, but I handle things the best I can, and usually it turns out well, I don't instigate arguments, and I don't try to be a part of them, I like to hold myself to a higher standard than those who attempt to pick petty fights with me over a matter that could be resolved decently, instead of with insults and contradictory remarks, I don't see how things have to be settled otherwise, but I don't like working that way, and I'm sure even the people that do don't appreciate when somebody does the same thing, it's not mature, and it's not the right way to handle things, and although I don't engage in that sort of behavior, as long as it's not stepping over the line I respect that.
      Prioritized: A few things I've learned moderating are that nothing is certain, not having a rank the next day, not being able to log on the server, having one of your close friends quit, etc. What I have also learned from my experience is that no matter what you can count on doing your job well as long as you stay prioritized, focused on the tasks at hand, putting the job first.
      Impartial: No matter the situation during the time I may get to moderate this server, I will remain as impartial towards decisions as I always have been, I do not ever let myself put emotions into action, that just leads to a weakness, and over time you will need to build up strength, not weakness to do a good job, I keep that in mind at all times.
      Why I feel as if I would be a valuable Staff member:
      I see many people that apply simply for perks and not enough people who apply to help the server, people like I do not "need" a rank, but we wish to help the server on a greater level and facts are that most players trust and come to Moderators/Guards more often then they would players, maybe it's because players don't reach out as often or if they just aren't qualified to answer questions, but I already help the Prison server and Mineverse community to the extent I can as a player. This would be both an amazing opportunity for me as a player, and a great experience for me as a Moderator, the only thing I wish to do on MV is have fun, make friends, have a good experience, and that's what all players should get, and with rules put in place that's what helps, but the server needs more than rules, it needs people who will enforce them, and if I do get this position, I promise I will to the best of my ability.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I have been playing Mineverse since late last year, but I have only recently joined the actual community of the server, I still helped sometimes but I can't say I was well-connected to the server, as I didn't come on as much back then, and I only helped on occasion, I still never broke any rules back then when I joined, and I haven't since, this server has been a pretty big help to me, as it has welcomed me since I joined the community, one of the major factors was Moderators, I see them doing a great job, they're active on all of the servers, they help so much, and they still have time to be welcoming and kind to players, that's what I would love to be a part of some day if given the opportunity, and I thank you if you do give me the chance, I won't let you down.
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I can be active anywhere from 4-8+ hours every day, no matter the date, if I cannot be on a certain date I will inform the community via profile status.
      Do you have any past experience as a Guard?
      While I have never had experience as a Guard I have worked on a fairly popular network, and I believe that I have the traits of a good Staff Member, I am able to detect hacks well, I know the base routines for bans, mutes, etc., I always check up on the rules before I start playing on any server, so although I have never actually worked on a prison server, I am aware of all the plugins, aware of commands, rules, and procedures needed, and I believe I would be a good addition to the Mineverse Staff Team.
      In addition to having previous experience with hacked clients and procedures as a Kit staff member, I know I would be well-suited for the job if I were given the chance, and I believe I have the right qualification for it as well.

      Have you ever been banned on Mineverse?
      No, I have never been banned, or received any punishment on any of the servers. This server is a great one, not only do I love the player-base and community, but I love how the Staff are cooperative, helpful, mature, and knowledgeable, I would never think of risking a ban on it. This community is an amazing one and I've been in it for a fairly long time, the only thing I do on the server is enjoy myself and help players do the same, along with helping make sure the rules are enforced, I would never think of violating them.
      Do you know the Prison Contraband items & rules? (Yes/No)
      Yes, I am aware of all of the global, prison, contraband rules.
      Last edited: Nov 30, 2014
    2. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I see you on Prison a lot. c:
    3. Krissy

      Krissy Boss Member

      Mar 19, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support :)
      you know how to mod, you know the prison rules, getting forum active and will be a great member of staff.
      Good luck
    4. Chibi

      Chibi Boss Member

      Jun 21, 2014
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      I've seen you help a lot of players on forums.
      Support :)
      (Canada!? Me too :D)
    5. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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    6. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Reason? Thanks for the support.
    7. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      You're active, nice, friendly and a good all around person. You'd be great for the position.
    8. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      No support, sorry.

      Try to add more colours to your application and be abit more active in-game. I barely see you on. I don't know if this is a time-zone difference or not.
    9. Tayarific_

      Tayarific_ Experienced Member

      Apr 10, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support C:
    10. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      I believe colors take away from the actual point of the application, also, many people seem to see me being very active, so it's most likely a timezone difference, thanks for your feedback though.
    11. LimeCoconutShake

      LimeCoconutShake Experienced Member

      Mar 8, 2014
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      You're very helpful, mature, and well-behaved. You don't change your beliefs just because someone disagrees with you, and you're active on the forums. I think you'd be an excellent addition to the staff team. Good luck!
    12. Creepersteam

      Creepersteam Experienced Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Support. Good luck! :)

      I can't give a reason. I'm sorry :(

      But from the looks from the other people, I just wanted to jump in and say support.
    13. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      If you see me on I'd like you to try and find a reason :), but thanks for the support.
    14. Creepersteam

      Creepersteam Experienced Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Yeah, I'll catch you later on around Prison, and give you a reason :)
    15. Van

      Van Boss Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      I do not see you that often on Prison, maybe becuse of the timezone.
      - I would like to see you on Prison tho.. I play there a lot and have never see you I think. You know talk and let me know you better. :)

      Okay so I saw you in Prison and started to talk with you, but no answer :( Hmm I don't know if you was afk.

      - You are helpful and active on forum.
      - I think you are mature and ready for Mod.
      - This is easy to read for me even if you dosen't have that much color.
      - You have much information.

      Anyway I support you becuse I think you are ready for this position. Best of luck - xxxvan. :)
      Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
    16. PopIs_MyLife

      PopIs_MyLife Legendary Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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    17. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Reason? Thanks for the support. :)
    18. King_Boweman

      King_Boweman Experienced Member

      Jul 10, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support Great App
      Your Active
      Lots Of Info
      Good Luck ;)
    19. Daddy

      Daddy Well-Known Member

      Jan 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No Support, very ignorant and childish remarks. Only active on Forums and barely in game.
    20. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for your feedback, sorry you think that way of me, but I'll try my best to improve.
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