Hey guys Hidden here and i thought I'd make a little thread where we can post links to our YouTube video's to try to get a bigger audience and show mineverse what we do. You basiclly just fill out this form and reply to it whenever you link your video YouTube name: Channel link: What you post Ign: Subs(Can be updated when needed): I will start it off ShovelMc www.youtube.com/ShovelMcYT Hacker Videos, Kitpvp, and sometimes MCSG TheHiddenOne143 37 Subs
YouTube name: IN1NJAI Channel link: https://youtube.com/user/IN1NJAl What you post: Minecraft, Steam Games, and the occasional Xbox One game. Ign: IN1NJAI Subs: 115
YouTube name: LunaticMC Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/subscribers What you post: Hungergames, Minigames, steam games (soon), other minecraft stuff Ign: LunaticMC Subs(Can be updated when needed): 1045
YouTube name: DanPlaysMC - Minecraft and more! Channel link: www.youtube.com/user/danplaysmcandmore What you post: MC vids (but school means it can't be that often :/ Ign: DanGaEb Subs(Can be updated when needed): 7 ;-;
YouTube name: McNerd PVP Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnchJ77aOiCFsWK-fGdl1vA What you post Hacker videos and kitpvp gameplays Ign: Minecraftnerd234 Subs(Can be updated when needed): 45 :') Scrubs >:3
YouTube name: Nicholas Mallouk ._. Channel link: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCGBouu6MKMNXKJI-eYHkZuQ What you post: MV hackers Ign: BuilderNicky1 Subs(Can be updated when needed): 4 ;-;
YouTube name: IchidnaTheHeroMC Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/user/IchidnaTheHeroMC What you post: Minecraft,IOS games and random stuffs Ign: Ichidna Subs(Can be updated when needed): 26