I also stated that I would only reply if you did, so here I am. I specifically remember asking you why this rule was enforced, and that was your answer. YOU found it annoying.
In the explanation of the rule, I told you I found people doing it annoying. If you're honestly that gullible to believe someone can claim something without ever doubting it, then there's some serious problems on your end. If a rule makes you quit, and a reply makes you stay, then you're already full with problems on the server. Gg.
I love how you say "Gg" but you are in no position to say that. "A reply makes you stay" Yeah I'm never getting back on the server and I don't know why you would I think I will... "A rule makes you quit" A rule that changes the game, yes. And don't go on with the "minor rule" sh!t, it isn't for someone who EARNED Prestige 6 or above.
When have "Simple rule" Did you earn prestige 6? No. This was a MAJOR change to the game (to the people who EARNED it) Gg.
JKeb, I've talked this over with Terrick before, if you can listen for 5 seconds, he didn't add the rule because he was annoyed with people spamming it, he added the rule because players were annoyed and annoyed him, you can go around blaming whoever you want, but it doesn't mean everybody against you on it is the person who made the rule, I was there before he put the rule in place, he stated that it had nothing to do with his personal feelings. I know it's tough getting P6, but really, if you're going to get this worked up and quit over a rule being put in place, bye, have a good life, you don't need to keep coming back to reply, just leave if you want to leave, there's a "Logout" button, and nothing is making you come back.
Also I don't need the VIP rank @JKEb. I got MVP from FuseMC. Warning: You have to be a very good friend of him.
And I have told you this before, he told me, whether he denies it or not, he added it because he was annoyed YOU WERE NOT THERE How would you even know in the first place? Also, I keep coming back, because Terrick keeps coming back. I have said before "I will only reply if you reply" And he replied, so here I am.
You keep saying "You were not there", here's a line for you "You are not paying attention", I don't really care if I was there one out of the hundred times Terrick had to explain why he's adding the rule, the rule is added, the rule was added a while ago, now why don't you stop arguing? You've given your items away, Topmass has gotten a rank from somebody else, and the rule certainly isn't being changed because of 1 player leaving, that's entirely your choice, so really there's no point in coming back to this thread, replies or not, you're leaving, so it shouldn't matter to you.
@VaMeSa123 Please lock this thread, as this is just going to start an argument. This player is leaving, and everything stated in the thread is resolved, he has said he's continuing the argument because of replies to this thread, therefore disabling replies will stop this, thanks either way.
You cannot request a lock, since you didn't make this thread. However I will lock it since it is causing a flame war, and also the problem is resloved.