Why hello! It's me Ducky_Puppy. Lately a lot of people have been asking me if they could join my faction, as I don't trust many people I said "No". This thread is to accept only people who I can give 25% of my trust to. The template is below. What is your in-game name: How old are you: Do you have skype? If so PM me it: What is your McMMO power level: Do you know any of our members: How often do you die: What do you rate your PvP skill out of 10: How do I know I can trust you: If invited, Do you agree to be a recruit for at least 2 weeks: LastWishes is in a lot of peoples opinions, one of the best factions on OP Factions. We have fun but take the game seriously when we need to. Most of our members are on /mctop (Ducky_Puppy being 1st, Flyntintarentino being 13th and flare_snuggles being 14th) In our Faction home, we have many McMMO grinders. A lot of these are special and not many people know them. All of our members must have a special quality. Every Co-Owner is equal to Owner. I like to think that everyone in the faction is equal. These are a few screenshots from our Faction base. As you can see, We have a massive one. The base is over -20000 blocks out. The only way we can get raided is from betrayal. Every new member will be tested once in a while. If I don't like something you're doing then you will be kicked from the faction. ~Ducky out.
The only people who can accept people into the faction are me and flare_snuggles. We will deny your application if we do not trust you. Thank you for understanding.
What is your in-game name: Scorpio_Venom How old are you: 17 Do you have skype? If so PM me it: Nope What is your McMMO power level: I haven't checked lately, but I don't play often due t having trouble finding a good factions Do you know any of our members: I don't think so How often do you die: Since I don't play much for reason I have already stated, I haven't died yet What do you rate your PvP skill out of 10: 8 How do I know I can trust you: I want to a long time member of a good faction, and I don't like making enemies If invited, Do you agree to be a recruit for at least 2 weeks: As long as you like
What is your in-game name: sooperaya How old are you: 11 Do you have skype? If so PM me it: Sooper_ What is your McMMO power level: I'm pretty sure it's 57. That is why I want to join this faction, to level up my McMMO Do you know any of our members: I know Ducky. How often do you die: Not a lot. It depends on what armour I'm wearing. What do you rate your PvP skill out of 10: 7 or 8 How do I know I can trust you: I am a trustable person and I think I have teamed with you once.
What is your In-Game name: skylanderdavid How old are you: 12, Almost 13 Do you have skype? If so, PM Me it: I will PM You it if I get accepted What is your McMMO Power level? I haven't played the gamemode much due to the fact that my old base keeps getting raided, I would like to get a good faction so I can get a Good McMMO Power level. Do you know any of our members? No, But I would like to meet some of you guys and we can become good friends, Even though we had differences in the past Ducky. How often do you die? Not much due to the fact that All the time I spend on OPFactions, Is re-constructing my bases What do you rate your PvP skill out of 10? 7.9 Ish How do I know I can trust you? I think you can trust me because As you know we had our differences in the past, But If I were you, I would look over that, And see how similar we are to each other, And I would like to get to know you and your faction more and I think we can be very good friends. If invited, Do you agree to be a recruit for at least 2 weeks: I promise to be a recruit for at least 2 weeks, And deemed more if so.
Ign: Djryan2000 Age: 14 Do you have skype? If so PM me it: When I get accepted. What is your McMMO power level: 477 Do you know any of our members: most How often do you die: Little to never on every pvp gamemode What do you rate your PvP skill out of 10: 9.8 How do I know I can trust you: Because Im a trustwory person, and you know me. If invited, Do you agree to be a recruit for at least 2 weeks: Yeah, probably longer.
What is your in-game name:Continuousbeez How old are you: 13 Do you have skype? If so PM me it: Jc.socool What is your McMMO power level: I do not know but am amazing at grinding and grinders Do you know any of our members: I know flare very well, and you. How often do you die: Not once. I think myself quite the pvper What do you rate your PvP skill out of 10: 9 How do I know I can trust you: Because I play prison. In prison you rank up to free, then it becomes a faction world. I know how bases and grinders work. I have alot of skills in this area and will not fail If invited, Do you agree to be a recruit for at least 2 weeks: ofcourse. In order to maintain a faction, you must find suitable players and test them
What is your in-game name: UncleUrnesto How old are you: 14 Do you have skype? If so PM me it: I do have skype... What is your McMMO power level: 3,590 Do you know any of our members: I know you :p How often do you die: Like in PvP not a lot... What do you rate your PvP skill out of 10: 8 when not laggy How do I know I can trust you: We have known eachother for along time now If invited, Do you agree to be a recruit for at least 2 weeks: I don't care, I have my own faction :p
So Ducky told you that I over took you xD you better watch out I will over take you again sometime <3