@Brant Rogers Da bro with the plan @googlemaster190 raid frenzy! @IAFF worst enemy > ( still my BFF doe ) @thorraks1 Just keep calm and be OP @badman168 The nicest person I've ever met <3 @SuperHeroSean Best builder on this planet! @goo54 Raid m8! @Ares_Xena A good friend when you need one @theminecraftgal6 cRaZy BaE @sienathebanana That swaggy teenage granny @LizzieGoezOink My sister @flash1864 Awesome irl bud
@PinkStr3ak (My sister kthx) @jarroyonaples (Duhh) @HipsterChick (Random af) @SeanDF (<333333333 SeanJR) @canucksfan44 (Heh. Heheh. Heh.) @Glaadiator (ilysm c; ) @Firo3000 (Amazinggg c; ) @PandaBear__ (omf <3) @VaMeSa123 (Perfff) @MaxNinja10 (<3) @mindsensation (;)) Sorry if I forgot you. ;-;
@MADIS0NJR @jarroyonaples @HipsterChick @Firo3000 @MiningCreeper454 @Lola Perez @canucksfan44 @mindsensation @kirbyo32 @Mimzie1223 I am beyond thankful for these people. <3
@PinkStr3ak (Who would I be without you <3) @MADIS0NJR (<333333) @HipsterChick {weird af ;3) @kitkat6605910 (bae <3) @MiningCreeper454 (ilysm) @LimeCoconutShake (bestie c: )
@IN1NJAI (oh my. ily boi <3) @MADIS0NJR (excuse me mr tomato <3) @rachetclanks (oh hi c; <3) @PopIs_MyLife (hello mr shroom c; <3) @PinkStr3ak (ur my pink tomato <3) @Lola Perez (oh lola. what wud i do without you cx <3) @kitkat6605910 (my shroom tomato <3) @FadedChristi (my lsd milkshake <3) @jarroyonaples (oh jbae ;o <3) @Ringo24 (hue.. those skype calls tho <3) @DjRyan (hue <3)