Hi now there has been issued a new rule on infection about the prestiges 6 and up on how you cannot spam the perk you get with that prestige. Well I'm just going to pick out some problems with this. 1. First off when p8,p9 and p10 are fixed the rule is going to get complex in making mods look into the report more. Now what will happen is people will reports p10's and say well he bow spammed me and that will force the mod to see what prestige the person was while looking at the proof. Now this is going to make a moderators job a pain and i understand they don't want spam of the prestige perks but i'd like to kind of suggest a cool down of 1 minute something like that. 2.There are ways to glitch bows arrows ect through your inventory and a crafting bench so this could also throw off mods again forcing them to look into the report and into the proof. 3. This new rule is going to make mods go into more depth in a report. This is why i think this rule should be removed or they should come up with a alternative solution
These are all the issues i have seen or will be seen in the future so that is why i suggest a cool down plugin as there are heaps out there
ikr. People used to think: "Wow, he prestige 7!" Now they think: "That guy is prestige 7, wow I'm p1 and its way better!"
It's still illegal to do it with or without mod. This post is really just for them to like edit the rule / add a plugin to take the rules place
It won't be changed. And if someone's reported for exploiting a human bow and arrows into a zombie, they don't need to bother looking into it more, as that's still a ban. As for the rule, it's simple. If you get 1 egg per life, it's not meant to be that way (Like I've said a crap ton of times, it's being worked on right now and the bug can't be fixed atm, so the rule is a temporary placeholder for that fix). You're meant to throw 1 egg per GAME, not LIFE. Same goes with shooting a bow, if it was meant for you to be able to just spam arrows, we'd of just given you 3000 arrows to shoot as a zombie, no biggie right? No, it's a bug, and it's being fixed, and no official edit has come due to problems encountered mid-test. Does this make it any more clear for you all?
Terrick has cleared this up with me saying that it's being fixed which is mainly why i made this also i made it due to ppl being banned over using their perk
Yes, I do agree an alternative rule should be made. It's causing too much anger in P6 and P7's who worked so hard to get these perks. And the glitch where you can put stuff in your workbench before the starter zombies are chosen, and when the game starts, luckily you're a zombie, you get all these stuff (4 Slots so 4 stuff).
They would get banned for voting for the server and using their perks, don't you think that is weird? They voted so many times to get that high and if they use it to much they will get banned. Lots of people have quit because of this new rule.
This will not cause any problems the reason this rule is implemented is the plugin we are using hasn't been updated to fix all the bugs. Please understand that breaking this rule is easily determinable when a mod look at the report. This rule is temporary as when the plugin updates it will fix these bugs. Sorry you have to deal with these we all do.