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  • Rules(Revised)

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Vampiric, Nov 6, 2014.

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    1. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      - Respect the entirety of the Staff team, for whatever reasons they were chosen to help the server, and they do the best they can, yes, we have a lot of Moderators, but they are all helpful, active, mature(for the most part), and most of all, committed to the server, so we ask that you please not disrespect them, if you have a valid reason to "challenge" their authority, and you are sure they are breaking a rule, you are free to report them, just don't fake any evidence or take things out of context.

      - All threads are created for a reason, reports, help, ban appeals, applications, and they're kept there for a purpose, when you comment on a thread knowing it is in no way relevant to it you're honestly wasting everyone's time, because you're de-railing the thread off of it's original discussion which may or may not be important, either way, please respect the fact that it was made for a purpose.

      - Advertising any form of application, server, forum, website, product, etc. can and will get you a ban with the right circumstances, along with referrals, begging, pretty much any form of advertisement not meant to be there, the exception of the referral rule is of course your profile, and signature, where you may refer people to your Moderator application if you'd like, but do not ASK for support, you may ask them to read your application(excluding staff), you may even ask them if you'd be a good Mod, but under no circumstance should you be asking/begging for support. The only places you may advertise are Youtube, Twitch, and other channels, but illegal content still applies, do not post sexually explicit content, pornography, torrents, malware, etc.

      - Post any questions in the appropriate sections of the forums. If you're unsure where to post, feel free to ask a fellow user or a member of the staff team. Sections of the forums are meant to keep things organized and under control, they are there for a reason, so please use the right to post effectively.

      - Please read the FAQ thread located here before asking any questions about the thread

      - Do not share any form of personal information, this includes but is not restricted to Minecraft accounts, Email/Gmail accounts, Skype profiles, Facebook accounts. Sharing Minecraft accounts is against Mojang law, and it is possible to have your account terminated, so please avoid trading/selling Minecraft accounts, we do not condone it, therefore if you wish to do it, you can't in this community.

      - Do not spam or troll a thread, if you ever wish to edit content you have posted, use the "edit" button, it's there for a reason.

      - Do not edit content(meaning your own) that has been edited by a staff member, it was most likely altered because it violated the forum rules you agree to when you make an account.

      - Do not post illegal content, all links to an external source will be checked and verified by a member of the staff team, pornographic, derogatory material, or malware/torrents are not allowed, the thread will be deleted and you will serve a punishment based on severity.

      - Ratings farming and abuse of the ratings system will result in a removal of all ratings given to the afflicted users, removal of all accumulated ratings, removal of permissions to give ratings, and/or serve a possible temporary/ permanent forum ban. Rating abuse is rating anything for absolutely no reason, rating something excessively, or rating something unfairly, depending on the staff member you may receive a punishment, or an infraction.

      - Do not spam the introductions section with threads, like stated before if you wish to add more to your already existing intro there's an edit button, you can also bump your intro if you would like, but don't spam it.


      1. Minor Warning
      - Posting in the wrong section could result in the removal of the topic, an infraction to the author of said topic and for repeat offenses a ban may be instated on the offenders account.

      - Not reading announcements. The announcements the rule refers to include any content posted by ex-staff or staff on the forums that is A) Pinned B) Within the announcement board C) Announced above forum sections

      - Unnecessary post includes posts that do not contribute to the content the thread it is posted in. If staff believe the post is reasonable you will not receive any punishment.

      2. Warning
      - Inappropriate behavior refers to any behavior that shows any intolerance towards race, disability, sexual orientation, religion and belief or inflammatory comments directed at other members.

      - Profile violation refers to the use of inappropriate content within either of the following A) Avatar B) Signature C) 'About me' D) 'Website E) 'Location'. If staff believe the content is reasonable you will not receive any punishment. Inappropriate content is defined as anything that violates mineverse rules which includes but is not limited to pornographic, intolerant or unlawful content.

      - Spam includes any posts that are meaningless, off topic or used to farm post count. Spam, much like unnecessary posts are subject to staff opinion and will only be removed if seen unfit by staff. Spam only occurs if multiple instances of the same or similar posts are created. Staff discretion is used when differentiating spam from mass spam.

      - Bumping a thread older than 30 days is classified as spam. If the response is not deemed necessary and would require a new thread to be started you will receive an infraction for gravedigging/necroposting.

      - Repeat level 1 offences can be seen and enforced as though it/they were a level 2 infraction.

      3. Minor Offenses
      - Posting in Ban Appeals, Reports, or Help when not directly involved or adding evidence.

      - Repeat level 2 offences can be seen and enforced as though it/they were a level 3 infraction.

      4. Offences
      - Illegal content refers to real world laws, please note different States/Countries/Cities have different laws. This rule is not checked against any specific zones and staff discretion applies. If you have doubts about content then please contact a staff member. Furthermore, mineverse classes pornographic content as illegal content and will punish for it as such. Illegal content can also be enforced where the content only borders being illegal.

      - Mass spam is the same content as spam (see section 2) however on a larger scale. Again, staff discretion is used when differentiating spam from mass spam. If the spam contains content that violates other rules you can be infracted for both offences and serve a longer punishment.

      - Repeat level 3 offenses can be seen and enforced as though it/they were a level 4 infraction.

      5. Major Offenses
      - Hacking refers to the act of gaining unauthorized access to another members account, computer or other intellectual property . Please note we understand things such as gaming accounts technically do not belong to the user however when enforcing this rule it is seen as theirs.

      - Ban evading refers to the act of creating another forum account or using an alternate minecraft account when you have one already banned.

      - Account Sharing refers to the act of allowing other users to use your account. This is an offense for both the user allowing it and the user doing it. If access is granted for special reasoning by an administrator the user must not send any messages from that account nor create any content.

      - Multiple accounts are not allowed by any user. (Exception: Creation of a ban appeal account is allowed as long as the account is strictly used for the ban appeal.) However, if you have other family members wishing to create a forum account please do so and contact a staff member immediately. Please note that if a family member becomes permanently banned, all family members are then banned until the issue is resolved.

      - Posting users personal information. Mineverse recognizes the majority of users real life information is available online however making it available on mineverse is an offense.

      - Advertising refers to posting an external link. External links are allowed within reason, sites such as personal sites or a friends site is advertising. Furthermore, logos or images or mentions about such website even without an actual link is deemed advertising.

      IG Rules
      Respect the staff. What they say goes.
      Do not ask staff for items or ranks
      Hacked clients are mostly disallowed.
      Do not advertise
      Do not spam the chat
      Keep the chat appropriate
      Scamming is not allowed
      Respect all players and staff members and treat them equally
      No Death Warps/Tp kills
      No Ban-Evading

      Specific Rules:

      The use of hacked items is strictly prohibited

      A bow or any sword besides a wooden sword in hand will result in 1-2 hours jail.

      Lava/Flint and steel/Water buckets caught in hand

      No selling contraband items

      Placing blocks/chests in the tree farms is an automatic ban. Only allowing return upon accepting his/her ban appeal.

      Safe zone killing will result in a 24 hour jail. Repeat offending will result in longer jails/possible temp ban.

      Teleporting non free prisoners to the free world or being caught in the free world when not a free prisoner will result in a ban. This includes and is not limited to flat lands, above and below prison walls, and the actual free world.

      Being caught in the guard room or any other illegal location within the prison walls will result in a jail or ban.
      Possession of illegal items ie: Sponge will result in a hour jail.

      Griefing is allowed, if the land is not protected

      Profanity is not allowed in any form

      Do not XP farm

      No using more than one Egg/Bow as a zombie per map.
      Griefing/Bridging/Looting is not allowed.

      Do not make new islands just to trade everything on them.


      Griefing is allowed if you don't protect your island
    2. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      umm you don't get to dictate the rules.
    3. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Didn't have enough characters to include it, but here's the staff list, if you need to report something or need help as quickly as possible StaffList, to view online staff go to "Forums", and it will show "Online Staff".
    4. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Jedi, it's not dictating the rules, it's a reformation of the original rules.(More detailed on what the rule actually is and how it can be avoided)
    5. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      we already know all this why you trying to be a mod?
    6. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Trying to get a better reputation in the community*, I don't really care much for Moderator, haven't even applied.
    7. nick ok

      nick ok Well-Known Member

      Apr 27, 2014
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      Vampiric this was not needed people could just go look at rules...
    8. Sound

      Sound Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      If you did not see she added more rules because the rules have yet to be updated i think not bothered looking.
    9. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      He, and I didn't add "more" rules, but I just expanded on the concepts of the old ones, making them a bit easier to understand, as the original rules post just states the rules, not how you can get in trouble for it, or what the rule is.
    10. PopIs_MyLife

      PopIs_MyLife Legendary Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      *Gives mini mod medal*

      >> On the more serious way, you're not in the position to make a revised rules thread. I don't even think us mods are. Glitcher and a few other people have done threads like these in the past, and they've been locked and archived.

      And the same is going to happen to this one. I'm sorry.
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