Hello guy's. I'm doing a 3 team fight. I explain more down here. This will be at this friday 5 pm. My timezone is (UTC-01.00) (Central European timezone.) Hope it work out! Rules. You can use enderpeal's. I will tpa you guy's to a place there we can fight. Do not kill me. You can not spam them. You can not use them if you are lagging. You can have how many set's of armor and gappel's. If you lose then you need to give all stuff you have. No hacking. Don't be rude or swear if you lose. Be a nice loser take it and accept it. You can only have 3 player's in your team. When your team is dead the winning team get your stuff. When a team is dead you can come back and watch the rest, but do not kill someone under the time. Just watch. I do not want any of this rule's breake's. You need to agree for the rule's. A moderator PopIs_MyLife will be there. He will watch so all the rule's follow no hack's, and more stuff like that. The last 2 team's and the winning team of them get this as a prize. : . Kit titan- A sword with sharp 5. . A bow with power 5 . . 1 prot 4 set. 3 golden apple's. Each! . $50. Like ./pay (name) 50 Sgin up like this. Ign xxxvan Team You agree with the rule's? Team name's you can use. You can also make team name's but sign it up! TooOp4You - xxxvan @AlmaRobb @Zero_Inzanity Team Last wishes. With @Ducky @ flyntintarentino and @blazingpanda12 Falk. Demon's. Nub's. Shade's Cross Sweg Swag Op Yolo ==============================================================================
Eh, Yolo sure. I may not be able to go on, cuz is it your 5pm? I'm Aussie so… we have different time zones. But other than that i'll try. :D
Umm I guess you could. I think it is okay for the another. Mhm ;D I'm friend with them so they understand
Ducky_Puppy, Flyntintarentino and Blazingpanda12. Our team name is Last Wishes. Of course I agree to the rules.
5 pm pacific time? or what Tell me your time zone so i have a better estimate when its gunna happen for me
Zero_Inzanity i wanna join your team xxxvan, wanna test my skill 1v1 me and see see TooOp4you\ I agree
@Skillbill63 Calling you ppl out to form a team and shrek nubs @hider21 @hider21getshackersbanned Calling you ppl out to form a team and shrek nubs @lionbdcraft lelelelel Skill and hider msg me if u would like to create the team