Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Lukenblaz, Nov 2, 2014.
frop it's a thing. the sound you make when you see da booty
Welcome to Fropland, land of improvisation.
mimzie of the north
420 blaze it
Meh. It's not commonly used, only 17 upvotes. Not really legitimate tbh. Frop m8 :t:
That makes more sense now
frop: the sound you make when you see da booty
When I see the booty, I gotta abuse the booty.
frop. Mimzie Of The North = otp
frop frop frop
frop frog frop frog frop frog frop frog frop.
frop = when you see the booty
frop = when you see my barbie booty.
I'm kinda lost here now. Kden
Frop shall guide you
fropping it all day erryday?