Hi there! I have been trying and trying to get god rank, I really need it. Why? Well because I mostly need /fix to fix my very damaged armor, I can't keep paying gods and titans to repair. I dream to be a God one day, I don't want Titan, just god. I will be giving the following for this rank. $1,000,000 In normal, new factions (1 Mil) and a chest full of pearls Full diamond armor enchanted on Prison $1,500 in KitPvP (1.5k) Creeper eggs, god apples, Money, and sets of armor in Op Factions. I will be giving over a stack of god apples, tons of ender pearls, and sets of armor in Op PvP Everything in my inventory in Hell Block. And everything in my inventory in SkyGrid. By the way, I am Elite rank so the upgrade will only be $50 ^_^ Thank you for your time! My ingame name is Ferninator_12. Take screen shots and record if nessassary, and yeah, have a great day. Reply on this thread if you want to make the deal and we will carry on from there! Thank you and have a terrific day!
Oh yeah, also I am an Elite rank so the upgrade will be only $50 so yeah okay just wanted to say that. Anyways bai!
Okay, I have screen shots of me having all the items I said I had so you guys know I am not just saying stuff to scam.