Well this isn't much of a report but I`d like to address a problem with enderpearls. The problem is that if you hit a block with an enderpearl by accident and it hits a certain spot you will suffocate. This has happened 3 times to me and I died two of them. I tried everything /! didn't work And I couldn't do any commands because of the continueous half a heart damage. I really want this to be fixed because it has lost me 2 sets of p4 in the last 2 weeks. I believe it is unfair for people to just kill me while I suffocate in a wall and I cant do anything about it. If you could research this bug or find out what is happening please help me. Ive been killed by two people already (_Mastergamer_, and some hacker. Thanks for your understanding, enderdude25
Ah yes, another one of these questions. As of now, I have died multiple times from wall-glitching, but now there's a solution! When you're stuck, look at a direction that you know doesn't have walls in it. Then type in /! And that will say there you go! In pink letters, and you should be automatically teleported out of the wall. Quickflame, out.
Sorry, can't come online at the moment, and I'm afraid to say this, but me or any other moderators aren't of much help when it comes to this, because when we do /tphere it takes 5 seconds before you can teleport, so it don't work.
That's basicly another way of saying I cant play kitpvp ever again without dieing, unless I get @CypriotMerks to help with tphere.
Yes, I agree i have died 4 times in a wall with 4 P4 sets using commands and stacks of Enderpearls it doesn't let you out so the best you have to do is just die. I wish this wouldn't happen but i don't think it can get fixed.
Try /enderchest your armour, although personally I would prefer if there was an enderpearl cooldown, this would prevent enderpearl glitches in factions, and op getaway's in kitpvp and op pop.
This should be allowed because it causes no unfair advantages install a hacked client turn on fly then ender pearl out or do /spawn while in free cam this might work but be sure not to use the hacked client afterwards.