What are the best mcmmo levels to farm and how do i do it? In your example please tell me why it is good
Your serrated strikes last longer, you deal more damage with swords, and you can have pretty awesome enchants or swords. Remember only wood sword in prison.
I say acrobatics, because if you get it high enough, you can jump off a 40 block high cliff and survive(like acro 500?) and the enemy cant follow you, and disarmed, because you can take any enemy's weapon out of their hand and finally! the most important one: ALCHEMY: I don't know if these are the actual effects, but this is what I got, health boost, leaping, saturation, resistance, and haste are the best. Haste increases speed of mining, breaking blocks in general, leaping: self-explanatory: health boost, gives you the yellow hearts, saturation, reduces hunger time, and resistance: decreases the amount of damage attacks do to you, super gapples+resistance+weakness on enemy=low low low damage 1 Level 0 Water Lily (Potions of Water Breathing) Blaze Powder, Fermented Spider Eye, Ghast Tear, Redstone, Glowstone Dust, Sugar, Glistering Melon, Golden Carrot, Magma Cream, Nether Wart, Spider Eye, Gunpowder, Pufferfish (All Vanilla Potions) + Lily Pad (Potion of Water Breathing) 2 Level 125 Carrot (Potion of Haste) Slimeball (Potion of Dullness) 3 Level 250 Quartz (Potion of Absorption) Red Mushroom (Potion of Leaping) 4 Level 375 Apple (Potion of Health Boost) Rotten Flesh (Potion of Hunger) 5 Level 500 Brown Mushroom (Potion of Nausea) Ink Sack (Potion of Blindness) 6 Level 625 Fern (Potion of Saturation) 7 Level 750 Poisonous Potato (Potion of Decay) 8 Level 875 Regular Golden Apple (Potion of Resistance)
Excavation in mcMMO provides a passive ability to dig more blocks and find treasures buried beneath the earth. What you find is based on your skill level and the type of material you are excavating. Chance Drops and Experience Table DropDig blockSkill req.XP rewardedChance DirtGrass, Mycelium or Dirt040100% GravelGravel04090% FlintGravel04010% SandSand040100% Soul SandSoul Sand040100% Clay (x4)Clay block040100% MapClay block252002% Glowstone DustGrass, Mycelium, Dirt or Sand25805% GunpowderGravel753010% SlimeballClay block150101% BoneGravel1753010% EggGrass2501001% Gold Music DiscGrass, Dirt, Gravel, Sand, or Clay Blocks25030000.05% AppleGrass or Mycelium2501000.1% StringClay Block2502005% Green Music DiscGrass, Dirt, Gravel, Sand, or Clay Blocks25030000.05% Name TagsDirt, Grass, Sand, Gravel, Clay, Mycelium or Soul Sand25030000.05% Cocoa BeansGrass, Mycelium, Dirt350801.33% DiamondGrass, Dirt, Gravel, Sand, or Clay Blocks35010000.13% Mushroom, Brown OR RedGrass, Mycelium, Dirt500800.5% Bucket (Empty)Clay block5001000.1% Clock (Watch)Clay block5001000.1% Soul SandSand650800.5% CobwebClay block7501505% CakeGrass, Dirt, Gravel, Sand, or Clay Blocks75030000.05% NetherrackGravel850300.5% QuartzDirt, Sand, Gravel, Mycelium or Soul Sand8501000.5%
yes it is. it gives you a chance of getting something rare out of dirt and other stuff, why do you think its called "excavation" ex·ca·va·tion ˌekskəˈvāSH(ə)n/ noun noun: excavation; plural noun: excavations the action of excavating something, especially an archaeological site. "the methods of excavation have to be extremely rigorous" synonyms:unearthing, digging up;More disinterment, exhumation "the excavation of a grave" digging, hollowing out, boring, channeling "the excavation of a moat" hole, pit, trench, trough; archaeological site "implements found in the excavations" a site that is being or has been excavated. synonyms:hole, pit, trench, trough; archaeological site "implements found in the excavations"
For me personally I LOVEEE Archery I am like 100 at bows I am an archer for life! I also like: Alchemy It is good for leaping health boost strength and last Acrobatics you can jump from like a tall skybase and survive