Alright Dj, I know I hold grudges, but I guess I'll forgive you. If you get angry tho, don't take it out on us, take it out on something else. Not your parents tho, or anyone particular. Punch a tree or kill your stuffed animals t but don't take it out on us :p You're like a blank space, or someone who still has yet to make really really big enemies, so keep it that way. I understand that you try to be mature and it works, but you have to loosen up a bit, it's just not your style :p I know you try to act funny -ish on the weekly update, but don't stay strict all the time :p come out of the woods and have a little more fun. I know you have a lot of anger bottled up, as does everyone here, but release it somewhere else. And I'm glad you still stick around even though you go around on other servers. It's like your little hangout place cx all you have to do is stay :3 (I am so done referencing taylor swift songs, in case you still hadn't noticed yet ;-; ) Anyways, Hi
There is no reason for you to be a jerk to people. Rather then posting your lame excuses, how about you improve it and stop being a jerk? Your attitude towards others is disrespectful and unnecessary.
Yes, another one of you isnt it. You are what I call hater squad. That is people I get banned for breaking the rules and then retaliate. These are my favorite people, as they make me feel good about doing the right thing, by watching them rage over their ban, or imminent ban. Thank you hater squad, I dont know what I would do without you.
Doing the right thing? Kid, you know nothing. Your thread about vJigglez and vCozmic, you know absolutely nothing. You, yourself said you've been a jerk, how about you stop that? Is it my fault I think you are a jerk? No. As for your thread on Unique, I dealt with it and got VaMeSa to ban him. And I'm judged on that? Your talking about rules, yet you, yourself are being disrespectful towards players. Seriously, your not a very nice person, are you? Thanks for being an utter jerk on my birthday. I appreciate it. No soul, no emotion. You have nothing.
Sociopath: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour. That's sad. That's all I needed to know. Got it, you have a personality disorder manifesting inside of you. GG
Yep. Im totally not being sarcastic atm. 100% Legit. Btw, Welcome to HaterSquad. Here is your membership: Hope you enjoy the crew.
What? Just wow. You're being the utter jerk on your birthday. What does your birthday have anything to with this? As if Dj could care less. No soul? No emotions? Yes he does, we all do. You're the one right now being the jerk to him. Maybe back off for once. You go along with what everyone says and you don't try to see it from your view, but rather everyone's else's opinions, and don't tell me that's a lie, because it's not. You also have a very bad attitude. You get into fights with anyone who YOU think is a bad person and anyone who you don't like, but why? Because everyone else says so? "Is it my fault I think you're a jerk?" Tells me you took others opinions and you don't reflect on it, you don't think it through, you just judge. So what's wrong with the disorder? There are hundreds of people like that and he may have problems with antisocial attitudes, but take a moment, and look at you? Look at what you've been doing, how you've been acting? Kind of sad to make fun of a disorder when you're the one with it. I suggest leaving him alone and anyone else who you hate, because you're taking your anger out on a community, to people who have had rocky pasts and they try to make up for it, such as Dj. And No, this isn't a place to fight, as you once told me. This isn't a place to attack someone. If you want to do it, PM, or don't even do it at all.. Just don't.
On my birthday do you think I care less about what he's doing? Honestly, I'm sick of being treated like a punching bag then defending myself and being judged for it. It isn't funny and it isn't necessary. The one day, I want to be happy, he of course starts a fight. Jarroy, you basically just judged me off what you read in one comment. Of course I take peoples thoughts and opinions into consideration. But yeah, I speak for myself. Attack him? Are you not reading or something? I feel that he has dished he's fair share as well.. As for having a 'bad attitude', you can call me what you want, but there's one thing you can't call me and that's a liar. I'm sorry for sticking up for my mates when DJ was treating them like a tool for him to throw around, and I'm sorry that you don't know me enough to know my morals. You seem like a cool guy, but what you've said in this isn't how I want to be portrayed, I apologise for that. I don't see you often, and it's a shame this is how you judge me. The two things that are extremely important to me is loyalty(especially towards family and friends) and honesty. I wear my heart on my shoulder and I apologise that by doing this, I have offended you. Look, I'll try to change. But there's one thing I will never change, and that is how honest I am. As for one thing, which I think you took COMPLETELY out of context, the disorder. Your saying that I'M making fun out of a disorder? He's the one that used it sarcastically. I'm sorry, but this makes you appear as biased. As for my comment towards the disorder, the 'that's all I needed to know' part which is what I think you took out of context, I meant that at least now I know why he feels the need to do this. Also, you said that I'm the one with the disorder. You can't exactly say 'So what's wrong with the disorder?' And then say that I have it. That's just rude. Yes I'm opinionated. Yes, I speak my mind. And yes, I am honest. But you know what? There the 3 things I won't change. Judge me if you wish, haters gonna hate. At least I don't find enjoyment out of being hated unlike DJ. Jarroy, I suggest you read over what happened all day today between me and DJ before you simply judge one side without knowing the other. I guess I need to learn to bite my tongue, I'll try that. For now, Thanks. @jarroyonaples - Period.