1. Your ingame name: XxNightHawkxX1012. The offender's ingame name: MoronDust3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming. They scammed me for KitPVP money, when I thought they would rank me up. He scammed me for $940 in KitPVP 4. Evidence/screenshots: Down below.
Well, even if you haven't revieved your rank yet, it should still be shown on the Buycraft website. I will look at the recent donations.
Like Max has stated above, it may take 24 hours for the rank to get through. Wait until tomorrow to see if you have gotten your rank. If not, I will ban.
We have no way of giving it to you. If the rank does not go through, we would hope the scammer would be kind and give it back. If hes a multiple offender, then he has less chance of returning.
Sorry for posting. But I heard from one of my friends ( can't say ) , he's friends with the scammer and the scammer just makes a whole bunch of alt's or uses irl friends accounts, then right when they get scammed he passes the money on to the main character. - sorry for posting - but same thing happened to me with 11k and I don't blame the mods for not refunding.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.