Entirely inappropriate. @Zero_Inzanity Anyway, these threads are self-esteem ruiners for people who don't get tagged.
Ah of course. No I'm not angry I didn't get tagged, I don't base my self-worth off what people on the internet think of me. I was thinking of others, some people have some very fragile self confidence, and might get upset at this.
Someone doesn't know how to read maybe? I said I don't base my self worth off what idiots like you think of me. I have my own mind, and people IRL, not protected through a screen from the consequences of their actions, to rely on.
I posted here trying to be thoughtful of other people. As well as to remind Zero_Inzanity that there are rules on the forums against inappropriate things, such as what he posted.
Now, to leave this thread on a positive note. Everyone reading this is beautiful, handsome, and amazing, in your own way. Don't let anything like this get you down. <3
@McNerd234 you called it again! now i owe you 55$ gemmalove stop posting so i dont half to pay @McNerd234 more money