Dude bases at bedrock are so easy to cannon Sky bases are much more efficient. They need to nerf /jump so they at least need to use some effort to get in...
technically any one who donates for perks which is basically every one on this server is paying to win. Especially Elite and up. talking to you titans.
i know for a fact you can't i've tested this on several servers with different plugins and some same its not possible its just too op an command yeah you could make a lava trap or water but water you can teleport away lava a simple fire resistant potion takes care of that.
I have made a jump proof base with ducky. its called a bunch of layers of obby,water then fences then cobble walls with lava on the outside
uhh no... Pay2win means.. you can't win without paying... But on any server you can have no rank and Be op af
There's many ways of defending your base from /jump. It's not pay to win at all. To anyone who says it is then explain it better and suggest better commands to the people who donate a lot of money to the server. Like stop the arguing about a command when there's always going to be cons and pros to everything.