Hey, It's me Ducky and I just wanted to make this thread because multiple people have said that I've been hacking in the past days. I have just reset my computer and even before that there were no hacks installed on my computer. If you think I've been hacking in the past days its probably because when I reset my laptop it removed a ton of files and therefore making it less laggy. Here is a screenshot of my Version files at the moment. I know this really is not much evidence as I could of moved my files somewhere else. I will be listing the people who think I hack so they can see this: @AlmaRobb @CypriotSmasher @lionbdcraft @Xrosmage @jalal23q @NoobCupCake @Spooky Ghostex Thank you for reading.
Congrats Ducky! you just deleted them so you can make this thread, okay you can put them back on now..
You know what's funny, No juan Cerz. Haters gonna hate... if you don't hack it's fine just ignore them. if they report you eZ just say you don't hack and How... Don't make a whole Post aboot it eh? geez nerb
You know what's funny, No juan cerz. Fact is you're a noob if you acuse someone about hacks yet you don't report them and if you do and they don't get banned well, just face it don't be immature about it and Be all nooby and stuff
I'm just sick of it because now everyone is going to think I hack because a handful of people are saying it.
Well, take me for example people record me all the time, I've only been banned once because that time i never spoke up and spoke of how i wasn't hacking... And... welp... after words i never got banned but i still get reported... daily.. ._. It's sad yes but never get sick of it... it's a compliment. it's like calling someone a nerd... just because they're smarter than you doesn't mean your worse then them.. :/
Don't acuse.. just report don't be a noob please. if you think someone hacks don't ruin there fun by making them feel bad/unwanted just because they're good at something.
If they honestly do hack then Congrats you banned someone correctly, just don't accuse... it's really rude.
Then record them... staying here calling him out and making him feel bad and not doing anything about it won't solve your problems. If you don't record him you're the one whos the bad one... you shouldn't feel good for acusing and not doing a thing about it... yOu just sit there and accuse... What are you accomplishing?
Pfft, obviously if he Tagged you, you had something to do with it.. Don't deny anything or think it's annoying... Stop being a "Bully" you're Technically doing nothing but denying facts... so what if you truly didn't do anything... Why Comment? is there any point? He obviously feels stress or left out because people Hack him or accuse him for hacks