Ok, well today I was at my base, and someone enderpearl glitches into my base which was 3 walls of obsidian thick, and then I trapped them on the bottom floor, and they managed to get up to my top floor but I defended it. to get to my top room they must have gotten through 10+ layers with /jump, or they hacked. I think that gods and titans ability to use /jump is far too op for factions and should only be allowed on survival.
/jump is ridiculous. There is no point in making a base if some rank is just going to jump straight into it.
Well they won't remove /jump because some people may of bought the rank just for that specific command and it'd be scamming.
I'm a titan and I very much agree. It's to OP, you might as well put your chests 20 meters from spawn.
It's really not hard to make a jump proof base. Here's some advice: 1.Make the floor at bedrock and make sure that all of the spare stone is removed and replaced with obsidian. 2.Make sure that the floor is at least 2-3 layers deep/thick since people can glitch. 3.Make the walls at least 4-10 layers thick as people will find a way to cobble monster or tnt cannon it. A good way is to have a base inside another base and have the outer base claimed so they can't tnt cannon inside of it to get inside the real base. 4.Make the roof 2 layers. You can't get in through roofs by doing /jump but being overprotective is always good. 5. Put fences around your base, all around the water. This is a trick me and IAFF learnt and it is one of the best traps. When someone tries to /jump into your base they will get glitched in the fences and get kicked for flying. They will be force to make a Teleport to Spawn and will most likely just leave your base in fear of being kicked forever. I hope this helps.
WOAH onion geez.. pay2win srsly? This is 100% not pay2win server... most ranks give 3-6 extra commands that aren't close to op... MOST famous servers have ranks like 30-40$ that give /heal /jump /coords /near Etc... on factions... Most servers you can't even play KitPVP or Factions without quitting... With all op Commands and kits you get... Not even close to a Pay2win server sir.
Thanks for the tips, but just a tip onto that, don't make your base at bedrock, since it is easier to cannon.
Eh, But anywhere else they can /jump into it. Either do what I said or make a base really far in the end and hope no one finds it. Had a massive ultra vault which lasted 5 months before the reset.
Just make a Base that no one can find, like Ducky said. I had one Base before the reset I never had no make another because no one touched it. Besides if you cover your Base in water and add 2 layers of wall then it's really hard to /jump in.
What i did was make a base with the walls lined with chests and then other chests in there with crap stuff like p1 and people wud /jump into my base take stuff i don't want a leave. Also someone over claimed that base and they completely blew it up but all the stuff in the walls was still there when I found that base again 2 months later:p