M007River MinecraftNerd Absuing Glitch http://www.mineverse.com/threads/surfdan1hd-hacking-kitkat-banned.28582/ Heh his own vid against him starting at 10 secs
Umm both of you guys aren't directly related so don't post here and I'm not Surdan1HD. Idiots he's my brother
Who said you were -.- I'm just saying you need evidence to support your report. How would we know if you're telling the truth?
I'm doing it so he get banned smart mouth I don't need him insulting me when I'm in fights and I can't take screen shots and him calling me a nub becuase he has /heal freaking grow up and be mature and don't RESPOND
Forgive me for posting but @M007River you tp trapped me into that house and you abused that glitch so why are you reporting for something u do a lot
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.