We'll this well this 'secret' that zero, you and Ricky know I don't think it is one... (My opinion) See, zero was banned multiple times for using hacks, Ricky and lionbdcraft were both thought to use hacks for mcmmo (unarmed). Later, I will do some research. I don't want to start a fight or Harassment on this thread of people of using hacks, so I'm going to leave...
Yes, e.g. Endermen give 10 mcmmo do levels, strength 8:00 gives 20 mcmmo xp and strength II gives 30 mcmmo xp (this is for unarming). Strength I = 2x xp Strength II = 3x xp I hope this helped.
Umg! I just found a way to get so much mcmmo XP! @lionbdcraft You may not use hacks! My brother told me :D Its amazing! <3333
OI OI OI MATE Dont call me out for hacks. 2 rickyvera uses hacks i will post proof if you would like 3 Lion dose not even know how to use a hacked client (he is to broken(Inside joke) but yeah)
If you need i will show you how to download Optifine. but dont call me out on hacks i have changed my ways and i there is no Mcmmo hacked clients the one i used to use dosent work on mineverse since 1.8
Dont judge me. btw all It wasent even a hacked client it was more of a Coding error with the hacked client i used to use (Resilience)
You can't hack a plugin. Omfg such nubs. Maybe exploits or bugs bu no hacking. Impossible you will need config files in order to change what McMMo offers.