The rule would be that there can only limit of 1 Introduction made for that Sub Forum. Many people tend to make multiple Introductions and in my opinion it's very obnoxious and an annoyance. So there should be Rule in place where it's allowed to make more then 1 Introduction on the Forum. Once you make your Introduction then that's it. Especially when I see a Moderator make a Introduction when it's their 2nd/3rd one and they should already know that they are already introduced to the Forum quite well as they are a Moderator which has a Title. Personally all I think the whole Introduction threads that consist of a 2nd or 3rd one being made is so Attention can be brought to themselves weather it's negative or positive.
Either a rule can be placed in or a addon which limits the amount of threads one can put in a certain section.
Correct, also can you explain what part in my post I had bad spelling as I checked for spelling errors and couldn't seem to find it.
I like the idea. It's true, we get a lot of introductions that ultimately just take up space in that section.
I haven't seen people make more than 1 intro within a month or so, so I don't really see the problem.
Thank you for the suggestion, this is being implemented. Check the introduction section for a new thread from Cypriot. Locking and Archiving.