Introduction: Hey Guys, I'm starting a new clan called #SomeSquat. There will be a Skype group chat if you are accepted. This clan will have allies, and enemies. Enemies you must destroy, however allies you must keep. If you would like to join this fill out the template below. Template: In Game Name: How Old Are You: Past Clans: Skype: YouTube: (Optional) Have you been banned on kitpvp before: Are you active: Will you be dedicated: Traits You Must Have: You must be loyal to the members who get accepted. That means… you MUST not kill them! If you end up killing a member of The Squat, you will forcibly be removed. You must be be there for your allies, and teammates. Conclusion: Thats it. Thanks for reading. Apply down below! Also, lets try and make this a very competitive clan! Players: Owner: quadcrafters Co-Owner: Skillbill63 Administrator: Fluxninja Administrator: PvP_Forever Moderator: MinecraftNerd234 [ Half In ] This will be updated everyday.
In Game Name: Skillbill63 How Old Are You: 13 Past Clans: (None) Skype: You have it currently. YouTube: (Optional) Have you been banned on kitpvp before: Currently at the moment, yes. (invalid ban) Are you active: In-game, yes.
Ign: Fluxninja How old are you?: 13 Skype?: yes I have Skype I think I have your Skype YouTube: yes I do I only post hackers on it atm Have you been banned before on kitpvp?: yes for apparently ''trapping'' when I did not hit the player Are you active: I'm active on the forums and in-game
ign: Noneya Age: 114 PAst clans: Op Noobs Owner Skype: Yolom8$$$waggin Youtube: xxxXXXYOLO420BlazeGamezxXXXXxxx Bnned?: Nup
Fine m8 1. Op Noobs Clan 2. Biggest and strongest kitpvp clan 3. Got me skype 4. Never banned. 5. Skill 9.5/10
How my own benefit? I bet the kids on your team aren't even good. And if your applying for ally, then consider us allied. If your applying to join.. then no.
"Not even good" he says: If your going to insult my clan then consider us enemies.
Ok enemies. Btw just checked your clan page.. and the only kid who's good at pvp there is ninjasap421 lol. he's a savage. I'll get him to join our crew. Even without him, our team already can beat the Op Noobs Clan XD
Yes, 3 players could beat 50. Lol. And considering the fact I killed you on applestogo and yesterday seems legit.