I don't know guys, I just wanted to create this thread and post here a Record, This guy get banned for this Recording of him "Hacking" I don't want to create a flame war i just want to know if im the only one who think that mods sometimes ban People that isn't hacking and there are lots of hackers (Hacking so Hard like Kill Aura while eating) and they don't get banned. Ill use the Example of "FiveGuysFries" and "Bigscaryzombie"... They both got unbanned less than a week ago, and they were hacking ULTRAHARDCORE yesterday While people who Report hackers, Don't Hack, Follow the rules, Keep getting banned. Tell me your opinion because i don't want to be the only crazy guy who think this... Here The Record:
Obviously the player that is hacking, will turn off his hacks when he sees a mod flying above him, ^^
that moment when hackers get banned 1nce and are unbanned as they appeal. They must then be caught again and hope the mods unban them again. which i think yes i agree some mods let hacks off way to easy...
To be honest I agree, I get called a "Hacker" on a regular basis... I think if you hack you get banned, if you do get unbanned and later get banned for hacks AGAIN and it is valid then it should be perma ban.
I do agree that some people get un-banned too easily now, me, when I got banned for advertising like almost 1 year and a half ago it took a while I needed to prove myself and everything. Now I go through the reports and see hackers fake and pretend they can't spell and have excuses like "Pes i want unban i dont do again ples unban" HOW do they get unbanned they should at least apologize! I see them get unbanned out of pity like let's be real I don't think we have any little 6 year olds here... My 8 year old brother could write a better ban appeal then some of these..