Introduction Hello my name is Josh and I am applying for the position of Mineverse Guard! So far I have been playing Mineverse for about 1.25 years and all that time I have been loving it! If you didn't know already my two favorite game modes are OP factions and Prison! I love to play with my friends and fellow players! I have made mistakes in the past and I still regret them but, I have changed I I do know I will never make the same mistakes again. Well now that you have gotten to know me lets get to reading my application! ]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[ How old are you? I am currently 13 years of age Your in-game name: My ingame name is "Danger_PvP" What timezone are you in? I currently live in the U.S.A mountain timezone What country do you live in? As I have said previously I live in the United States of America What languages do you speak? I currently speak two languages which are Spanish and English. I speak a mild version of Spanish but I can understand mostly everything. :worm: I am extremely fluent in English because it is my first language. Why do you think you should become a Guard? I think I should become a guard for these various reasons: 1) Honesty I believe I have the trait of honesty. I will tell the truth during the darkest of times even if a friend is in volved. If I am asked a question I will tell the staff/player the absolute truth. If I do not and the person/staff members knows I will expect them too report me. 2)Respect I will give my full respect to all players and staff members. I consider it very rude to swear of say any type of profanity. If someone does not show respect I will polity ask them to stop what they are doing and if it involves a player I will ask him to apologize. 3)Diligence I am a very diligent person if I need to finish something I will. If I do not I have this weird feeling that always makes me want to so usually I do. 4)Kindness I expect myself to be kind to all of my fellow players and staff members. If someone is down or just alone I like to help them cheer up. When other people cheer me up it truly makes my day and I will ussually try to make friends with those people. 5)Fairness I know how it feels to be neglected. I do not like to give other people that feeling. For example: If I gave Steve a diamond and I told Alex no I'm not giving you a diamond , Alex would feel neglected and that is never a good feeling to have. So I will always treat all players equally and not on how much I like/hate them. 6)Responsibility I am a very responsible person. I consider playing Minecraft party of my schedule. If I cannot make it on Minecraft that day I will make you aware of it. I will ussually be on for 4-6 hours a day and maybe more! I will take my responsibilities of being a guard very seriously and I will not abuse my privileges. 7)Fun I am a very fun person , I honestly don't think that work is just work I think it is also a time to make friends and have a blast. So I love to cheer people up and let them have fun instead of being boring. 8)Maturity I do accept that I have made mistakes in the past that I regret but, since I have learned from those mistakes I clearly think I am mature enough to take the position of guard. I have tried to improve my grammar in both languages and so far I think I am doing very well. When I die ingame I will not throw a fit because it is simply part of the fun. If I do get demoted or I resign it is simply my fault and there is no reason to be mad. If I have anyone to thank it would be @Glitcher726 for he has got my maturity up a whole bunch and I am extremely grateful for that Thank you! Bonus)More info I have been playing Mineverse for awhile and I would like to put out a huge thanks to Noobcrew and Cypriotmerks for making this EPIC :D Server! All this time I have been playing Mineverse I have had a clean slate(meaning I have never been banned). I love to make new friends and love to skype! I love to help people rankup in prison and give them a little boost if they need it. I have my inspirations and they are: @thorraks1 @ScoFu13 @Glitcher726 These two people brought all the fun into playing prison and having fun in my experience in Mineverse. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing Mineverse for about 1.25 years and all of that time it has been my life! How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active for 4-6 hours everyday. Forums is different it is like facebook maybe like 6-8 hours Do you have any past experience as a Guard? Yes as a matter of fact I do, I have been guard on 2 servers both having about 50-100 players at a time. I have helped build those two servers from scratch and I am proud of what they have become. I will not give out any names because it is considered advertising. On one of those 2 servers I am a Head-Guard which is a very high position and requires alot of responsibility. Have you ever been banned on Mineverse? No never in my history of Mineverse have I been banned. Do you know the Prison Contraband items & rules? (Yes/No) Yes I do know the contraband items & rules. I have seen many players have contraband items out and I think that is one of the main things that must be enforced properly. Wrap-up I would like to thank you for taking you time to read this Guard application. Now is the time for you to pick whether to support or Not to support. I hope to see you in the future! ;) ]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[=]=[ The Count Supporters: 9 Non-Supporters: 0
You can be rude sometimes in-game I've seen you most in Opfactions, anyway this application is good. Support.
Sorry about that, it's probably only when i'm pvping because I just love to do that Also I like to have fun in new servers Thank You! Thank You!
I'm your bratha does mah support count cause I seen you have all those curvertuse <----- SCREW SPELLING + Fariness
I wouldnt tag people. You arent really active as I never see you ON PRISON. No support for bad activity and maybe later ill change my mind