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  • OP Factions Suggestions!

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Ninja, Oct 14, 2014.

    1. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      So many people are making suggestions for this newly implemented gamemode, but I have not seen anything about what I am about to suggest. Here we go!

      1. /mcscoreboard keep - This command allows you to type a command (such as; /swords, /axes, /unarmed, etc) and then type /mcscoreboard keep and it will keep that board up of whatever you typed. This is useful for when you are boosting a certain skill so you can see how much each thing you do levels up the skill or how fast you are leveling up. [This is in the basic McMMO plugin and just has to be enabled].

      2. Reducing shop - Reducing the shop will make the game more interesting and make more people have to "work" for their items. It will also keep more players from getting "bored" or leaving because everything is basically at their finger-tips at the shop. Reduce the shop to the bare minerals to make the experience better. Make it like the shop from factions before the very first reset. [No obsidian, nothing except armor and minerals].

      3. Make more voting links - If you do this, you can make it so each time you vote you get less money (instead of $10,000) and make it $5,000. Have 3-4 links all together to eventually make the server more popular.

      4. Do not add higher than efficiency V pickaxes - Adding this will ruin the point of factions and make it too overpowered. I am not a fan of OP servers, but this one isn't as OP as others, and I like it like that. Keep it how it is.

      Thank you for reading.
      Comment below if you need an clarification of any of the suggestions or just want to list your opinions.
    2. legends152

      legends152 Experienced Member

      Dec 23, 2013
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      I agree with reducing the shop, but I would like to suggest if you could purchase high enchantments like protection 15 for a large amount of money. Also it would be great if you could pay 100k for a creeper spawner so people get more tnt to raid with, therefore making it more of a raiding type of server.
    3. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      Ehh.. I don't like the creeper spawner thing.

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