I've seen people using minimaps, armor status display, health indicator ect. Which of these are allowed cause ive heard some people say there illegal and a lot of people seem to use them. Which ones are alllowed?
Mods and hacks are rather different. Hacks are not allowed, but some Mods are. Find some mods you would like, and message a mod and see if they are allowed
some one should make a guide showing all available mods.. due to the fact that other servers have it and it would just end up being better. @super4321 you can use the better pvp mod and its features you can find modified versions of minimaps that don't show chests and such. also i believe x-ray mod is still not allowed.
Yeah, X-ray mods are not allowed. @super4321 You would have to ask a mod, or a previous experienced mod
List of all the mods I KNOW Are allowed Opti-Fine Damge indicators Better PvP Mod Shaders Mini-Map People have been saying that the Tree Capitator mod is allowed, I know it's not. Just a heads up ;)
I Don't Think You Are Aloud Mini Map as it you can just see people coming up to you and seeing where they are. I'm not guaranteed that you can have amour stat's but i'm sure you are..
Start a convo with Kirby or look at the list skylander posted. Or you could always go vanilla like me :t @rachetclanks :lock:?