"But even the word 'hopeless' has 'hope' in it! And if you rearrange the letters, it spells 'peeslosh'!"
Lol, My favorite part: But the eye of a storm is very misleading children! Never turn you back on it because the ocean was all like PSYCH!!!!(don't know if I spelled that right :P ) xD
You did. I was laughing my butt off playing this. "From the creators of Castle Crashers, I've heard mixed reviews, mostly good. (You're fired!) No, you're fired!"
"Will you be able to save your friends, or will your hilarious death screams be drowned out by the sound of your own hilarious death screams?!"
I played this game... it's pretty cool. Check on youtube. Some guys named "ClashJTM" and "Mr360Games/Double" Played it. But the video is pretty old. But check this video out!