You realise posting that link , smart people out there that know their way around Google sites (that's me) can see your real name :p Well, I know your real name now XD
I never realized that being "opinionated" was somewhat negative! The official definition is "Holding stubbornly and often unreasonably to one's own opinions." I've called people opinionated before but I totally meant it in a positive way (like they had strong opinions about topics as opposed to being indifferent about them). OOPS! I hope I didn't offend anyone!! LMFAO @Sleepyhead08 .-. Edit: Just so you know, I am not banned, I was helping someone out,
The German Nazis killed thousands and even millions of Jewish and American people. This is why if you hold up the Swastika, it would be exteemely offensive and rude as it is a fairly sensitive and rude topic. Sorry, but I was researching. :(