Hello all, and welcome to my [Moderator Application] <Introduction> G'day all, and welcome to my very first moderator application. I've noticed that many moderators have been resigning lately (to everyones dismay:() and thus I've decided create this thread to help fill in some of the gaps that have been left;). So without further ado, here goes nothing :D. <About Myself> I live on the large continent know as Australia:>. I'm now, as of recent, 16 years of age and going strong. Australian eastern daylight savings time is the timezone I live in (quite a mouthful:p). I speak the most widely used, common language know to all mankind… ENGLISH:eek:. <Minecraft> My IGN is Sticstar. I've been playing Minecraft for about 3 years. I first heard about the game from some good friends of mine and the game has had me hooked ever since:OO. Minecraft is a good release for me and I love how there are so many aspects to the game. You can build, PvP, survive, and much more;). I've been playing Mineverse for about one year, of and on. [TRAITS] <Honest> I always make sure to tell the full truth, whether It be a report, chatting, anything. Being truthful is very important to me. I try hard never to lie, though i must admit i may tell a fib once or twice in certain situations, like "What's in your chest?" or "What are your cords?". But alas, no one is perfect. <Hard Working> You can be sure I will work as hard as I possibly can as a moderator. Someone asks me to help them out, and I'll do everything I can to get it done. I like to support people through hard times and If I ever uncover any hackers or scammers online, I will do what it takes to make sure that Justice is done. To my sincere grief, however, I must admit I can't log on to the server as much as I'd like, for my internet restricts me greatly. Let me tell you, trying to play online with satellite… a pure nightmare. So I can log onto the server aprox 3-4 days of the weak 2-4 hours a day:ah:(. This can possibly vary during holidays however. I CAN log onto the Mineverse forums daily however. <Dependable> I will never back out of a deal online once it is in motion. I always pay up/give whats due. You need help in anyway way online and I agree to help? You can be sure I will not back out. Of course, however, I'm no superman, and I can't do absolutely everything, but I'll do my best;). <Mature> I am 16 and can be very mature when necessary. When a situation needs to be taken seriously I'll take it seriously. I don't fool around and spam online. Of course i can be a bit rowdy around my friends, but It's all friendly and definitely not out of control. I make sure to treat people who deserve it with respect at all times. [TRAITS] <Do you have any past experience as a moderator> No, I will admit this is a first for me, but I'm willing to learn, and I'm looking forward to it greatly;). I mean, everyone has to start somewhere, don't they? Looking forward to meeting all the moderators :D. <Why do you think you should become a moderator> Well, I kind of think all of the above explains why, but I'll put this in anyway:p. I think I should become a moderator because I am very helpful, kind, optimistic, understanding, hard working and stern when it comes to the rules. I admit I'm far from perfect, and I'm not very familiar with moderating. But, I believe, given a little guidance, I'll catch along quite smoothly:D. So I might not be able to log online much, but I'll sure do my very best . After exploring the forums, I've also become familiar with a few important Mod commands that are sure to help me with my Mod career. Kit PvP was the first game mode to really kickstart me into the Mineverse community. I would be most grateful to be Moderating Kit PvP, making it a better/more enjoyable place for all :D. I've also been a massive fan of Factions for a long time, and as soon as i heard OP Factions was released, I was totally into it :D. Moderating Infection would also be an equally honourable position for me ;). I've been hanging around the community for a while now, trying to be as friendly and supportive as I can, and I plan to bring all those aspects to Moderating as well :D <Have you ever been banned in the past> *Sigh* Yes, I must admit I've been banned once for hacking :(. But believe me, I've learnt from my foolish mistakes, and will never hack again. You can believe that as a hard fact. <What 2 servers would you like to moderate> Kit PvP and OP Factions :D Well, that just about raps up my mod application.It's been an amazing ride so far, and I'm looking forward to all the adventures to come. Thank You All So Much!!!
Nice application, but I have yet to see you in-game or on the forums (let alone helping anyone). You seem nice, and I hope you can prove to me that you're mature enough to fulfill this position. Good luck
Thank you for your input. I am very active on the forums, I just haven't been around for long :P Thanks :D