Hi all, So I have seen some people posting asking about how to insert a signature to their posts. Before we start, a signature is the little photo or text or whatever beneath people's posts that show automatically beneath the grey dotted line. 1) Hover over your name in the top right hand corner 2) Click "Signature" (The "Signature" button has been hovered over in the photo from step 1) 3) You will now be at a screen with the global Mineverse text editor. This is where you enter your signature. Your signature can be a video, a photo, or whatever you want it to be (as long as it is supported by the Mineverse text editor). Look at the bellow steps for inserting videos or images to your signature. Inserting Image: 1) Click the button being hovered over by the mouse shown in the picture on step 3. 2) Type the URL of the image (Make sure it is a white page with only that image on it. On Google images for example, search something, click an image, then click "View Image". That page uses the URL that you will need to paste. Inserting a Video: 1) Click the video symbol 2) Enter the URL to the video of your choice in the box that comes up. Be sure to save your signature. It may seem like it hasn't saved since it doesn't re-direct you anywhere, but it has saved as long as it says it has. Hope you enjoyed :D