Haha I think it's because I don't really like the look of the colors maybe make them bright like red green blue and magenta then you have my 100% support!
2 things. I think your application could use some more detail on what game modes you play/check in on mineverse(eg "I play kit pvp mostly, but also play op pvp sometimes"). Your application doesn't really tell us what you do on the server and past expreriences. Secondly, I noticed your application has really nice grammar(I'm honestly too lazy to go through looking for errors) but I noticed also that you use a bit more slang when writing comments on people either supporting or not supporting. Improve these and you'll most definitely have my support. P.S. Nice App!
Support I'm glad your listening to people and you seem like a positive and cool guy. I'd like to see you in game someday! Good luck.