Yeah, same here, until I found out later on lol. I remember as well there used to be a builder rank, there was this one guy that I met on factions that had this builder rank and his ign was BaconBlaster.
Cool I wanted to be a builder like tbh I love building for servers, then I get to say I was part of it :P
Before the hub showed in the video, There was like a 5x3 hub. Players were disabled and you spawned in water. I loved screenshotting all the sider hackers climbing up those walls :3
My best memory is the frienships that were created I also liked the in-game money ranks even though General was over priced lol. I liked when cyps was randomly kicking people, it just made me laugh. When there was good pvpers was the best (Even though half of them hacked xD)
Those were the days I think you can do /warp oldspawn in the hub if you want, it's not the oldest one sadly.
I have an idea, we should have a retro day when all the gods are back to admin rank the hub is back to it's first stages and stuff, that would be cool