Uhm, so I was banned in September for spam, I got a reply from the moderator saying I was to be unbanned later that night, that was yesterday at about 5:00 eastern time. Right now it is about 5:00 eastern time as well. Please help? The mod also said that she would unban me when she had access to a computer, and its saying she was online about 30 minutes ago. I am pretty sure it isn't caused by the time zone, and if you go off on me saying mods have life's and such, I will get frustrated because I understand but they should still dedicate some time of it to helping us....Thanks-Sheep
Spam. Not advertising, just me and my friends messing around. the mod still said she was going to unban me yesterday
If you are banned on Creative we will be unable to help you. Pex is broken there and we have no access to essentials.tempban.offline You will have to wait to be unbanned until essentials.unban is working properly. @CypriotMerks
Ah, right. Unfortunately, unbanning offline players for Creative is glitched, so very sorry about that.
Still glitched? Even so, I'm sure his name was added to some list, @MaxNinja10 :lock:? @larrythebird101
If you are still unbanned, please post a reply here. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/he...still-banned-in-game.26476/page-3#post-271510