IGN: killermonkey1291 offenders: baby_12_34 and HelgeMossige Description: Racist and Swearing Evidence:
Revive is just a time saver, it's critical and clickaim which give you the advantages. If they won't go off, UNINSTALL THE CLIENT. If it won't uninstall, delete your computer account and create a new one using the admin account <after saving important stuff to a hard drives>........or just don't play on MineVerse. Hacking isn't nice, even if it is with only revive and such. As for the report, baby you have been reported multiple times for swearing, please stop. Killermonkey If you do get banned, GL in your appeal. (Stuff about I shouldn't post unless involved here)
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.