WELCOME TO..... ZALIZAINALI's Prison Guard Application :D Introduction Hello Warm greetings to you and here is a little Info about me... Hi my name is Zain and I live in the United Kingdom (England) and I enjoy live as I go to School and learn and when I come home I come along on to my computer and see all my God friends on Mineverse . I love playing minecraft and Doing stuff on the Internet. I am English and My mum is Arabic and My Dad is Christian Ok lets move on How old are you?: I'm going to be 14 on 25th October but for now 13 Your in-game name: ZALIZAINALI :D What timezone are you in? GMT What country do you live in? England (United Kingdom, Europe) What languages do you speak? I can currently speak: English (main language ) French Urdu (some of my family are from Countries that speak it ) And a bit of German and Spanish (improving ) Why do you think you should become a Guard? The reasons of me becoming Guard are that I really really enjoy this server and i love the people on it. I would really like people to feel that they are having the best time ever and I think at the moment, that is not happening. With Hackers, scammers People using bad language roaming around, its clear to say that i would like to put a stop to this and that Mineverse can be an even better community than it was ever before. I also know what you should have within a Good Guard: -=Trustworthy=- : I think that a Guard requires a certain amount of trust that is acceptable. Even though I may have committed minor things in the past doesn't mean I am not up for the job. I have never said anything really bad or scammed or hacked even though i have been scammed many times. I feel its not fair. I have learnt many things from playing Mineverse with such Good friends and now I think I am ready for the job but that is Of course up to you -=Honesty=- : In Addition to being Trustworthy you also have to be extremely honest. I have never lied and have always told the truth. You must be honest on order to be a Guard. I feel if we all be Honest then it will make Mineevrse even better. And I feel I also have this feature within me. -=Respect=- : I know you must respect all players at all times and this is very important. I have seen people not respecting and it makes my kinda sad :( but i thrive to succeed and it workes "Respect people on the sever as you would in real life" as I would say and I do -=Helpful=- : I am very helpful and I always try to help people as much as possible As this is another important feature that you also need to be a Mod. -=Mature=- : I am very mature and I see this as important because is shows how professional you are. -=Friendly=- : I am also very friendly as this makes people feel that this person can help me with this or that or this person can solve this as this can solve many issues and can save time :D. -=Good Role Model=- : I always show people how to behave and act on this sever and as this is being a 'Good Role Model' -=Responsible/Hard Working=- : I am very hard working. Whenever I want to get something done Its usually done and whenever I do something, I always put 100% Best effort so its looks really good and its makes me proud. -=Active/Availability=- : I am always available to help as i stop what i am doing and help others first "Others First Yourself last" I say to myself. I can also be active on the server quite a lot on fourms and in-game. I feel these are all the things you need to be a Good Modertator if not more How long can you be active on the server everyday?: Here is my weekly Timetable that I always follow: Mineverse In-game: Monday: 2-4 Hours (2,3 or 4 hours) Tuesday: 2-4 Hours (2,3 or 4 hours) Wednesday: 2-4 Hours (2,3 or 4 hours) Thursday: 2-4 Hours (2,3 or 4 hours) Friday: 4-6 Hours (4,5 or 6 hours) Saturday: 6-8 Hours (6,7 or 8 hours) Sunday: 6-8 Hours (6,7 or 8 hours) Mineverse Fourms: Monday: 2-4 Hours (2,3 or 4 hours) Tuesday: 2-4 Hours (2,3 or 4 hours) Wednesday: 2-4 Hours (2,3 or 4 hours) Thursday: 2-4 Hours (2,3 or 4 hours) Friday: 4-8 Hours (4,5,6,7 or 8 hours) Saturday: 6-9 Hours (6,7 or 9 hours) Sunday: 6-9 Hours (6,7 or 9 hours) I hope this is enough How long have you been playing Mineverse?: Mineverse Server: 25th November 2012 - Today + Onwards :D Mineverse Fourms: 3rd Janurary - Today + Onwards :D (I had another account)Do you have any past experience as a Guard?: Yes I do I was trial Guard On another server ;) DO I KNOW THE PRISON RULES?: Yes of cause I do and I follow them always A bit more Info about me: I have been Banned once for advertising a Death warp when it wasn't one :p (I will never do this again) I have reported many people for breaking the rules and they all got banned I vote every day and i have donated 100$ [God] ( i know that I shouldn't have included that but its info :p ) and I just love the server My friends: ALL OF MINEVERSE !!!!!!!! I love all of you! Supporters: @bnraiff @xxxvan -ZALIZAINALI: Thank you for considering to read this Guard App and feel free to comment Support orNo Support Remember your feedback matters. I love receiving feedback as it makes me even more better. I will be editing. I really hope I make it So I guess it ends Here... from Zain and everyone else..... Goodbye Goodbye
Tagging mods will only lower your chances. It also makes you seem impatience and desperate for guard. There might be a story behind it, but don't do it in the future please.
um sorry but I only did this because like nobody has seen my app and there's kinda a small story behind why i did it sorry again