I'm leaving minecraft. Not leaving leaving, I would never be able to leave something I've got so much history with. It's just I haven't been playing much recently at all, and I've found other games that spark my interest. I'll also be leaving MV as well. There's just too much pent-up emotion I can't release... there are many, many aspects of mineverse I just despise like no other. I just can't handle not being able to share opinions like I once was. Being a regular player, yeah people take any hate or negative opinion and laugh. Being someone who was a mod, is at a high message count and level of respect, anything negative or hateful that comes out of me is shot down, blown up, and eradicated. I feel I've overstayed my time here and its time to move on in a sense. To those asking if I'll visit, yes, I'll most likely frequent the forums as its like a free drug. It's become part of my life and I can't just let go of it. In game I never really cared for so it's easier to leave. As for where I'm going.... Well, steam. I guess that's all there is to say about that. Life. Family. Deep philosophical thoughts. Instead of being extremely negative, I'll just be positive-ish. Thanks to everyone for being there, no matter how much I dislike you (whether you know it or not) or how much I like you. I'd like to thank a bit more the friends who didn't stop talking to me even after I got demoted, like @Chloyybear4ever and @treelegs, @Alixilyn, and especially @SeanDF and @Edward Ray, DEFO @salamander9o (anyone else if I forgot). It felt nice to have someone to laugh like a bitch with. But in all seriousness I extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the people whom I respect the most and love fir everything they've done for me... the entire Sweg faction... You guys make my life so much better. I'd just be dragging along if it wasn't for you guys, and I would've quit long ago. Thank you guys so much, honestly. @Firo3000, @Glaadiator @purifiedbws, @Lola Perez @MiningCreeper454 @mindsensation I've been thinking about this for a while now. It took several months, a lot of self convincing, and a bunch of people guiding me along, be it positively or negatively. The situation can be described in this quote: “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” - @purifiedbws tl;dr: I'm quitting basically, I'll pop on forums frequently and occasionally ingame. Love you guys <3
awh bby please do leave ily remember to keep contact with me and here is some hearts so you won't forget us <3 <3
:( Mpg, you were a big [Huge] part of this community, a great member, a great staff member at that. Well, everyone has to move on at some point and it saddens me to see you go. Good bye MPG. Ily
Love U so much. Consider this dedication that I'm writing this because I was in the middle of typing an essay that's due tomorrow and it's almost midnight. Anyway, I completely understand your decision. (deep sweq convos ftw) and don't gorget we are always here for u<4
:( Whyyyy Bye MPG (Even though i dont see you in MC) (Ive noticed you in the forums alot) I wish you could come everyday so i could maybe see you in MC Sometime Bye Cya soon ;-;