/kick /ban /mute. I support this idea I wouldn't want to waste 20$ and if I get demoted idk if I could get it back. Support
Moderators have their own rank on Buycraft, on that subject Moderators have some of the same perms as Titan.
Honestly, being a Moderator is handling the server. It's not just for perks. It's like a job, but your payment is the happy faces of players. You're not gonna have time to mess around with titan powers when helping players. I didn't need my VIP permissions at all while I was Guard, before I resigned.
Donor rank isn't just helping you but it's helping the server... The perks are just a thank you gift...
I think that moderators need to prioritize the server and the fact you can't keep the donor rank while mod is a display of commitment to the server. I do however feel that it could be clearer that you don't keep the perks.
No. We don't. The only kit we have is /kit guard for Prison. Nevertheless, as Sala said, we're moderators to maintain the server and help the players, not for the perks of donating. We don't necessarily need the perms that are given to you when you donate. Our commitment to the server is giving up the perms and dedicating our time to moderating. If you don't want to lose your perms, don't apply. Simple. If you really wanted to be a moderator, you'd be able to give up your commands of donating with no problem.