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  • Top 12 friends in Mineverse

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by kitkat6605910, Sep 21, 2014.

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    1. xen

      xen Well-Known Member

      May 14, 2014
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      Omg this made my day tysm ily
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    2. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      My top 12 :3
      Please don't feel offended if I don't add you ;-;
      It's not in order :>

      @madisonjr ~ Hmmm how did I meet you? Madi I first met you as I was commenting on something on your profile. We were not close friends, but we were friends. I think we became closer, as we skyped and stuff. We've had our ups and downs, and I still don't understand how you manage with my craziness. But anyways I'm glad to call you my friend <3 Ilysm.

      @jarroyonaples ~ Jarroy, I think we met at /warp dragon in the lobby. I do remember times before when I posted on your profile and you followed me :). I really got to know you when I saw you on survival. I am really really glad I met you, and I hope we can stay friends. You make me laugh so much on skype :>. <3

      @salamander9o ~ Sala, I loved all those fun plug dj times with you. Remember alien? Lol. 'B b b bang it to the curb'. Your also my spider twin :rolleyes:. I'm soooo glad I met you! Ilysm spider <333

      @almarobb123 ~ Christi, when I first joined mineverse, I always saw you ingame :>. Your super funny and soooo sweet! I love those fun times on skype <33333. "Tomato weed ketchup, crack fries, and a lsd milkshake." I am so glad I met you <333333 Ilysm :3333

      @PinkStr3ak ~ Omg pink. Ilysm. I never really knew you untill Jarroy put me in a skype chat with you. Your super funny and I love those fun times when you sung the Abc's :). I am soooo happy we met! And I hope we can continue to be friends. Ilysm <3333 :333

      @Chloyybear4ever ~ I seriously have no idea how we met O_o. We were never friends until we went on my plug dj room :333. I like it when we kill each other on op and kit :chicken:. I'm really glad I met you, because you've always been there for me when I had no one to talk too :happy:. <333

      @treelegs ~ I don't remember how we met. But I think you proposed to me on prison :3. Tree, your super funny and super cool. I love skyping with you! <333 I hope we can stay friends <333

      @Oniontacobean ~ :haha: Just lmfao. I think we met on prison.. Idk.. But seriously, I am glad I met you :333. Your just super funny and I'm always laughing like crazy when we talk ingame. Glad we are friends <333333333333333333333333

      @fendodo ~ :wtf: Those skype calls... And then I'm sitting there laughing like crazy. And remember when I skyped you while at school? Just lol. Words cannot describe how funny you are. Ilysm. <3

      @kitkat6605910 ~ :eek: Kitkat your amazing. Ilysm. I'm glad we met. You always make me feel so much better. I loved skyping with you. And I love playing skywars with you <33 Lol. Lets talk more. Ilysm bae <3333 :333

      @EndyIsABanana ~ LOL. Maddie I love you soooo much. We met on Survival and omg I'm so pleased that I met you. Your like my other half. I love skyping with youuuu <3333 Endy ILYSM! <33 :333 :jim:

      @netgear ~ Dooooood. Ilysm. We met on Ian's realm. Like I literally cannot describe how amazing you are. Wow don't change. Ily. <333

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    3. DuskShadow

      DuskShadow Active Member

      Jun 19, 2014
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      Chu left out meh Kitty! D: My life is over. Just kidding :)
    4. ChloyyBear

      ChloyyBear Well-Known Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      <333 I will always be there for you to talk to when you have no one else ^_^
    5. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      These are the friends that I talk to on a daily basis, and that are my best friends.

      @PinkStr3ak - Let me start off by saying that Pinkeh is more than a friend, she's like a sister to me. She's helped me through so much, and I could never thank her enough for that. She is amazing, she really is. Something came up between the two of us recently, but we managed to work it out. Thank you Pinkeh, ily.

      @Glaadiator - Glaadiator is one of my best friends for sure. She's helped me through a lot, and for that I thank her. Without her, I don't know what I'd do. Thank you Glaad, ily <33333.

      @MiningCreeper454 - Claire is also like a sister to me. We've gone through things together, and she's always there for me, as I am her. She's also helped me through A LOT. Thank you Claire. <333

      @canucksfan44 - Ok, this one's gonna be interesting. Me and Canucks have a very weird relationship. We talk about things that make no sense at all, but oh well. It's hard to explain, but eh. Ilysm canucks! <33

      @Grayson - OK.. so things came up between the two of us recently.. I still need to talk to you. Nonetheless, I still consider you as one of my best friends. I hope one day we can regain the friendship we once had.

      NO ORDER!!!

      These are the friends who I don't talk to often, but when I do, they're amazing.

      @EliVdd - I remember when Eli and I would play Skyblock together for hours. It was so fun playing with him! We Skyped occasionally, and that was fun too. Ily c;

      @skylanderdavid - I met you on Skyblock too. You showed me your island, and I don't know what happened, but we became really good friends! <3

      @MaxNinja10 - I'm pretty sure we met on forums. I'm so glad we're friends, you're amazing, and I love you sooo much! <33

      @Alixilyn - I remember meeting you on Skyblock too! You let me join your island, and it was amazing! You're definitely one of the nicest people ever. Now that you've been promoted to Moderator, we'll be seeing a lot of each other. I'm so glad I get to work with you!! <3

      @PrincessNerd3 - I think we met on the skyblock forums. Well, however we met, I'm glad we did. You are amazing, and you should get guard. k? k. <3333

      @Firo3000 - We used to talk a lot, up until you were promoted to moderator. You got busy, as did I. I hope we can start talking more. Love you <33

      @salamander9o - We don't talk as much as we used to, but we should start. c: Sala is an amazing person, and she's always there for you. She always has... interesting stories. :t: Love you Sala, thanks for everything. :)

      @PopIs_MyLife - I met Pop on Skyblock. Since then, he taught me how to play HB. He's an amazing friend, and I luv him. k? k. Love youuu. <33

      @rachetclanks - I don't know how we met. All I know is we both love anime and that he's amazing. K? ty. <3

      @mindsensation - We need to talk more kay? Mind is amazing. He's definitely one of my best friends. ilysm <3
      ***I'm tired, so I will be adding more tomorrow***
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      Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2014
    6. xen

      xen Well-Known Member

      May 14, 2014
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      Madibae ilysm <333
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    7. treelogs

      treelogs Experienced Member

      Mar 17, 2014
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      Ily2 <3
    8. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Thank you <3
      Thanks for still being my friend, I often tend to see once you are not a staff member, you lose tons of friends...
    9. treelogs

      treelogs Experienced Member

      Mar 17, 2014
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      My top 12 friends no order of course.

      @God_Of_PvP one of my first friends when i joined mineverse <3

      @Chloyybear4ever couldn't forget you mayn <3

      @HipsterChick Ily <3

      @MrParkourGuy We Dem Kewl Kids <3

      @Pile_of_Butts my bff that ilysm <3

      @Grayson a person i consider my bff (even though he hates me :'() <3

      @MaxNinja10 Even though i cant see you in the shadows i just know one day you will appear in my bed ;) <3

      @romar you are my pet sheep nothing else. jk ily dont hate me :'( <3

      @fendodo he is a awesome dude if you skype him also he is a relative of (Doge) Fendoge + Doge = fendodo <3

      @krish gupta you ain't bad m8 and your bad at PvP nub ;).
      I kid i kid <3

      @Daddy love meh <3

      @MiningCreeper454 why ur soo beurtifrul
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      Last edited: Sep 22, 2014
    10. PrincessNerd3

      PrincessNerd3 Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      O gosh <33
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    11. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      We'll always be friends. :)
    12. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      Who told you I was gonna be in your bed....... ._.

      Ily2 Madi, I'm so glad to have met such an awesome and caring person <3
    13. Jauregay

      Jauregay Active Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      Psh it's sad that you like them more as a sister than me. Bruh r00d
    14. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      I do, you're just.. there. <3
    15. iGlitcher

      iGlitcher Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
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      Ok, not to be rude, but this thread isn't ok.

      1) when people post there top 12 friends, those of there friends who wern't mentioned will feel depressed, thats all I have to say.
    16. God_Of_PvP

      God_Of_PvP Experienced Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      1. @treelegs My best friend to the end
      2. @Ajnh17113 funny dude fun times we have
      3. @Nickwongold Bae for life <3
      4. @Pile_of_Butts OMG i dont even know. Lots of moments with us
      5. @continuousbeez one of the coolest person i have met
      6. Gorgnogg Doesnt play minecraft but hes the first person i met on mineverse
      7. @xxxbajankillerxx where to begin
      8. @Chloyybear4ever cuz hes sexy
      9. @Grayson had some good/bad moments but in the end u dont like me but i think u cool
      10. @Bro1016 the bestest friend i had. I will never forget you
      11. @purifiedbws 1000000% awesomeness
      12. @MaxNinja10 Cuz hes my bro
      Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
    17. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      I defiantly didn't forget you....*Rushes to post and presses edit*
    18. God_Of_PvP

      God_Of_PvP Experienced Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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    19. King_Boweman

      King_Boweman Experienced Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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      hmm kitkat forgetting someone :P
    20. King_Boweman

      King_Boweman Experienced Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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      kitkat-my bae ilysm <333
      almarobb123-my other bae-best friend(gratz on mod btw :P)
      Souleater-one of my best bros that isnt a girl :P
      shadowbuscus1- u will always be my bro for life ily <3
      Unkwon(whatever numbers) u are my bro u are always there :D
      bakes32-we are like best friends with our nicknames and stuff like our skygrid :)
      juljul232-Dude you are my BEST FRIEND(tying with kitty :P)thanks for letting me in on the server :)
      gween-U are a great friend and i have something to tell u :0 :)
      mailman-dude you are a great friend and op :D
      Greg-u are op and i love how u always use titan to good use and i like your car pictures :P
      jarroy-Yes we hated each other when i was Pvt on infection but now we have became good friends
      Sry if i forgot someone i was just thinkin my head off there so sry if i forgot u and i add if i remember :D
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