My Top List (I have been watching this girls fighting<3 And i fighted some of them too) And My Top #1 Is #1 @XOXO She is the best Girl pvper on Mineverse in my Opinion, Yes MissPvP is good but Xoxo is best ;) #2 @VaMeSa123 She's OP (She play in that server too :9) #3 @MissPVP She's very good at pvp but she need to fix some little details about PvP. #4 @PandaBear__ Like VaMeSa She's very good at PVP but i didn't saw her so much to put her on The Top #2 or #3... #5 @PixieSkyler There isn't enought girls to put some another girl so... Joking, She's very good at PVP but she still being rekted by Zack D: And she need to fix some things :p Minimal Things. Thanks for Reading ~