Hi, My ban appeals have been accepted on Kit PvP and OP PvP, but when I log onto the server, i get the message "temporarily ban from the server for 2 seconds". Can anyone help me? Thanks.
The /unban command is currently glitched, the staff team are trying their best to unban every accepted appeal.
I will be in the lobby from 4:30-7:30 pacific standard time today. If you could meet me there I will do my best to get you back on that servers. Just message me once you are in the lobby.
Is there maybe anyone else who can help me? 4.30 - 7.30 PST is in our time zone 9 hours later.. Assuming you mean 4.30 in the afternoon
I do mean 4:30 this afternoon. I work until then. I would message ANY mod you see on line when you are available and ask if they could meet you in the lobby. Feel free to add me to the conversation as well incase there are any questions. Make sure you let them know that you are asking them for help to be unbanned. We have many more staff other than myself that can help you.
Thanks all, I have been offline for a couple of days. Tonight (CET) i will be online and ask a staff to help me get unbanned!