My in game Name is baby_12_34 I'm 16 I speak English I can play up to 4 Hours a day Because of School I think I should be a mod? well I find no one is never on Skywars and ill play on skywars all the time but I also play on every gamemode I see a lot of hackers all the time Even if they are my friend I would still ban them I Had Lots of Experience in the past I Was also was admin one time I've been playing minerverse for like 6 or 7 Mounts now or less I know I've Been banned a lot of times But I can Change I promise I would do any thing for mod I really enjoy this server I like a lot of mods Sometimes. :3
No support. Honestly I don't think you are 16. And you've been banned countless times for swearing. Goodluck.
No support, ESPECIALLY after this:
No support ,you are very immature, pretty sure a 16 year old 1ood be this immature, and you swear a lot in game, so no support :eh
Way too little information. Add alot more information if you want to to be a mod. Good luck! I am aware this is your old one