Is it illegal to sign hump your own plot considering it's yours because it'll make it harder for everyone to get it but if it was someone elses then it would only be easy for me to get it and if it is illegal plz give me an explanation why.
You asked this in-game, and Sco and I both answered you. It is illegal because other people may want to buy your plot, but they can't with you sign humping it. Any form of sign humping is against the rules.
But technically yes they want to buy it but... Everyone will still get the same chance just i'll be in there way.
If you are within 2 to 3 blocks of the sign when it is going up for rent. You will be jailed. You are not "immune" just because it is your plot.
It doesn't matter whether you think its dumb or not. What matters is that it is a rule you have to obey.
Please dom't post off-topic posts on here please thanks. :3 It's illegal, that's the rules, no point in being rude about it.
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