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  • Application Of Moderators

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Gwism, Sep 9, 2014.

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    1. matthodgson

      matthodgson Active Member

      Apr 24, 2014
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      No support, you left to run your own server (which you stole all the money from, A+ to you on that btw) and shut down all your servers and your website to try and hide the fact that you took nearly two thousand dollars and ran. People trusted you and clearly gave you an obscene amount of money for the amount of time your server was up. I have also seen firsthand your moderating skills, getting on, /afk, come back, sign off. Or your other approach to it was "Hire people to deal with it because I don't feel like it". I'm clearly going to hate from all the people who support you but whatever, People need to know the truth instead of worshipping someone who does next to nothing.

      I thought you were a nice guy at first but now that I know how you really are... I can tell that you clearly don't care about anything or anyone besides yourself

      Ahem: Gwism abused his powers while he was opped by creating extremely overpowered armor and killed players. When he wasn't killing players, he was building a castle for Pile and world guarding it instead of actually completing the plots which would of probably taken him about half the time it took him to world edit in the castle for her highness.

      Edit: I should probably mention this all went down within the past 3 days since the timestamp on the paypal email was September 7th

      Edit #2: This post was removed because a mod felt it was off-topic so I shall make it more direct.
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
    2. mindsensation

      mindsensation Experienced Member

      May 27, 2014
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      I'm sorry, but this sheds light on many things. I personally do not believe that you can get your activity together, nor do I think that you will dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, or dedication to the server. Along with this, recent events have caused me to completely lose faith in you. Gwism, I cannot support this application unless evidence is shown that you have drastically changed. To put a scale on things, drastically is an understatement. While I do not wish for this to get personal, I fear you may take this to be as so. This is purely my opinion as to you being on the staff team.
    3. treelogs

      treelogs Experienced Member

      Mar 17, 2014
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      Support <3
    4. Savvy

      Savvy Experienced Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      I like your "side note," but I honestly don't think you're fit for the job if you are too lazy to write a proper, detailed application. Your secrets have also been exposed about scamming people (in real life). Two thousand dollars is a lot of money, and I imagine it takes a lot of ignorance to be able to sleep at night after what you did. There's no way you're getting my support now that I've taken a look into your past. I also personally think it's a bad idea to tell everyone that you have a "life" and won't be on to help them a lot because you'd rather hang out with friends. I understand that you have a social life and don't always want to play Minecraft, but by creating an application you are literally telling every member of MineVerse that you are willing to dedicate your earned free time to helping them. I wish you good luck, not on getting mod, but on earning some forgiveness.
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
    5. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Seeing as people have brought some hidden things to light there is no way you are getting my support.
    6. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Saying that just turned alot of future supporters away you just showed you don't really care if you aren't willing to defend your position.
    7. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      He didn't lose my support.

      I understand why people are upset with you, but I know that you did it for a reason. I do not know what the reason was, but I do not doubt that it was important.

      I Support, as you have already helped us with the upcoming /warp free. I know you can provide several things to this server.

      I do not expect hate for my decision, as it is my opinion. Thanks ^_^
    8. Camel ;)

      Camel ;) Experienced Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Changed my mind about you Gwism you did abuse your position By creating Hacked Items on prison, Also you did leave Mv just to make your own server and you did tell Cyp you went going to do anything else for him that shows how much effort you put into your position , And you only came online when Pile called you theirs still plots that haven't been regioned You were Opped but yet you created a Castle for Pile and had time to world guard that but you didn't have time to help players that needed you. You banned me from lobby which I was later Informed that I was only going to be banned from prison , you did help the server No Support
    9. mindsensation

      mindsensation Experienced Member

      May 27, 2014
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      Please try to keep this relevant to the application.
    10. Gwism

      Gwism Experienced Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      ScoFu has his reasons, (very vaild) for not supporting my application. I totally understand. The rest of you... I don't know why you feel the need to suddenly change your mind. You don't know what's gone on. I respect all your opinions, but if you're not gonna support me, I would like you to at least know why.

      And as for camel.... Don't go with the popular vote. Just cause I banned you doesn't mean I was a bad staff member. I may have done sh*tty things, and for those who want a detailed explanation of "my side" of the story, they can always reach me on skype.
      Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2014
    11. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      Gwism I never really see you on any other important servers like kitpvp and infection and oppvp that has hackers
    12. Camel ;)

      Camel ;) Experienced Member

      Jul 29, 2014
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      I had second thoughts about you when I remembered that you created hacked armor Has nothing to do with u banning me Even tho it was Uncalled for , and the fact I waited 6 months for the unban
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
    13. ScoFu13

      ScoFu13 Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 17, 2013
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      We have talked and he respects why I said what I said. I appreciate his understanding. It takes a certain person to not fight when something is said that may reveal things but he did not do that, he manned up and talked to me about it and that's a hard thing to do for Some people. Thank you Gwism for reaching out.
    14. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      Gwism, when you were a moderator, you were very inactive. I understand you have a life, but if you're going to moderate a server, you have to put time and effort into it. If you can't, there is no reason for you to be staff. I also understand you've done a lot for the server and it's players, I'm not saying you haven't. Reading the previous comments, I don't know what to say...

      I'm sorry Gwism, no support from me.

      Good luck. :)
    15. fendodo

      fendodo Guest

      Support, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut................. Like 3 or 4 days ago I asked you if you were coming back to MV and you said no... Same with Dewbious.
    16. xen

      xen Well-Known Member

      May 14, 2014
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      I'm not sure about my support.

      Gwism, from what I've heard, you were a very trusted moderator in the past, and done a lot for this server, so I can see why many people are supporting you.

      However, I'm not sure how much you really want to be a staff member again, from reading this application. I understand that Cyp and Crew have a lot of trust you, but could you please try to put a little little more effort into it? I would like you to express how much activity you are willing to put into the server this time around. You were a bit inactive during your last run as a moderator, and I would love for you to at least prove that you're willing to be the best staff member that you can possibly be. :)

      Keep in mind that these are only my opinions. Anyways, good luck Gwism!
    17. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      You have been a great moderator in the past, and I understand that you would like to help the community again.

      But, seeing how you were inactive and ignorant to players online, I've had serious doubts about you.
      I understand Cyp has trust in you, but I think you should prove yourself a little more.

      I'm ambivalent at the moment..

      Yeah, no support. Not only did you take down the server and forums you owned, you took all of the donations. The players trusted you, but it seems you can't be trusted.
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
    18. Dewbious

      Dewbious Experienced Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      You do not get my support. For a few obvious reasons to you, that may be unclear the the mineversians.

      Gwism and I had a server we started about 3-4 months ago. There were only two owners, Gwism and myself. We both put a lot of work into it. Gwism took care of the plugin maintenance, advertising and host payments, and I took care of the builds, staff, players, and events. Basically, he took care of the behind the scenes, while I took care of the ingame.

      After about a month, Gwism decided that he needed to take a leave for personal reasons. I tried to persuade him to stick around but he insisted. He assured me that he would still take care of those responsibilities but would be much less active.

      When problems arose, I was unable to fix them due to my lack of power. I did not have access to the same accounts as Gwism. Shortly after he decided to take a break, I noticed the only upkeep he was doing, was host payment. Many other features needed maintenance and I simply didn't have the ability to fix them.

      It goes without saying, the server began to die. Players were less regular as we had no advertising, our plugins needed fixing, and there was nothing I could do to fix it.
      All along, I am trying to keep in contact with Gwism through his Skype. He simply ignored my messages. I know this because weeks would go by without any response and our mutual friends kept in contact with him. So, I would love to hear his side of the story, but he has yet to respond to me in weeks. Admittedly, my messages to him got progressively belligerent. My server partner wasn't doing his part. My annoyance was justified.

      All this time, we are still getting donations, though that money wasn't being put towards improving the server. Gwism was in control of it. Then... Three days ago, the rest of our server donation money is sent to Gwism's own personal account. And this morning, our server and forums are down and I no longer have access to accounts that I did before.

      He locked me out without warning and took all of our server money with him. Totaling nearly $2,000. If he wanted to leave, that is fine, but these kids who donated trusted him. And they donated to the server expecting it to be put towards the server, not Gwism's pocket.

      I'm not sure what could excuse or justify such actions. Our players (the few that I held onto) and our donors now have nothing. Entirely at the fault of this guy. So, do I trust that he will make a good staff member, no I do not.
      To have the gall to say such a thing, considering yourself worth more than anyone else in this community. You should need to prove yourself just as much as anyone else applying for a staff position. Your entitlement is distasteful.

      I may not be very active here, but I may become more active now as my server was kind of taken out from under my feet. I'm sorry for the essey, just thought you all should understand what you're potentially dealing with. I may not have gotten involved in a partnership with if someone had warned me. These are the facts, do with them as you will.
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
    19. davisabog

      davisabog Experienced Member

      Feb 21, 2014
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      No support. Gwism, you were a very great and helpful mod and all but you didn't really pay attention to the players/community on the server, your usually AFK, ignoring, or doing mod work. If you did some of these things it could have changed my mind. (Usually What Other Mods Do) When you're AFK type /afk or say your afk. If you're doing work, then when a member of MV asks you something say your doing something/work. If you're ignoring people, just leave the server to not get bothered. Some people on MV are a bit picky, like me. I'm just naming some mistakes that mods do (Not calling you out.). Good luck Gwism. Thank you for reading! Peace!
    20. Christi

      Christi Boss Member

      Dec 1, 2013
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      I personally do not know and will not judge by what other people have said regarding your past, as I am sure you have your side of the story.

      However, what I can say is that you were a inactive staff member. There is nothing to dispute the fact. During all my time at Mineverse I only saw you once, on prison, and you were quite clearly afk. Also, the fact that you didn't even bother to write a proper moderator application and just state "I don't need to prove myself." does show a bit of arrogance to me. Yes, you do need to prove yourself. To the Mineverse community. If you're just going to be inactive again, as in you have school, social life, etc, then I don't see how you can contribute much to the community. Undecided at the moment, but good luck to you.
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