Hey guys. So, school is coming up, and I need to be prepared. I already shared my story here: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/school.23008/ I am taking a short break from Minecraft. This is temporary. I'll be back in a few weeks or so. Thanks for reading! Love you all! My break will start in 2 weeks. *Sorry, had to write this fast* Love you!! Edit: Now that I have time to explain, why not? I am returning to school soon, and I have to be prepared. My anxiety has gotten worse, and this break will definitely help that. I am about to start taking medication for it, so that'll help to. I will return when I am ready to. I hope you understand. Thank you for everything guys.
It's like September and you don't have school yet? :eek::eek::eek: Anyways cya and good luck in school
OK, break time! I'll miss you all so much. <3 I'll be on the forums a bit, but not doing reports. Thanks guys.