As you can see on my profile picture, I am the default male forums photo. I go to my profile, click my avatar, I choose the file I click done. I wait 5-10 seconds and bam! it deletes the file and my picture dosent chage
As i try to drag the file to the comment I am posting, It says: The following error occurred: The contents of the uploaded image do not match the file's extension.
This is the solution... You are dragging the image from a site. The site may have a different extension which allows it to be dragged on to your desktop. 1. Go to the navigation site in which you're getting your image from. 2. Hover over the image and left click (Hold) 3. Drag the image to your desktop. 4. Rename the image "image.jpg" 5. If it asks if you really want to change the extension click yes. 6. Open the avatar tab on Mineverse forums. 7. Click Choose File 8. Select the image.jpg and you're done.
Let me try something else, go ahead and send the picture to me via conversation. I will then change the file extension. To do that just drag the from the site to your desktop, start a conversation with me and then drag it in.
Has this been resolved? If I do not get a reply I will archive this within 48h. If you disagree with that, report this post and a staff member will unarchive.