Preface: I just wanted to start off by apologizing. Apologizing for messing up... and to Cypriot... I'm sorry that I failed you, even if you never read this. I'm also sorry to the people who put all their faith in me, because I failed you as well. But with all mistakes, I've learned from them, cried a little bit, and become a better person in general from it. I understand as well that I've told many people I won't come back, but it doesn't hurt to apply again to quiet the screaming mouths of people waiting to be fed. I just felt a little bit isolated, so I figured I might re-apply one day, so I wouldn't just be forgotten about... also Glaad managed to convince me to re-apply... so thanks to her for giving me the reckless confidence I needed for this. It doesn't matter to me the outcome of the application, so much the achievement of gaining enough courage to make one more. With the simplest words, I thank Cypriot for giving me the opportunity in the first place... even though I screwed up with it. All I ask is even the slightest shot at redemption. So, out with that... slightly more depressing venue, and move on to happy things, so people don't ask me lots of questions about things I don't like to talk about. Also, I know that I haven't been in game as much, but this will sort of be a motivation to get a little bit more active in-game, and sort of get back into touch with the ingame community. Now, I've read my old app several times, with lots, and lots of cringing, so I believe I can sort of take those aspects and make something different (and way, way better) out of it. If you have any constructive criticism, please, post it below. I'm trying to improve, and I can only do so much alone... c'est la vie. Question Time, I guess. How old are you? 12. Your in-game name: MrParkourGuy What timezone are you in? UTC−05:00. EST, basically. What country do you live in? America. What languages do you speak? English, a bit of Spanish, and I'm taking French classes in middle school. How long can you be active on the server everyday? 2-3 hours weekdays (school, and I have homework on all my subjects as well) 5-6 hours weekends, if I don't have much homework then. Have you ever been banned before? Skywars - Perm Fix Prison - Perm Fix Skyblock - MV hack back in January Then a few troll bans, so ye. How long have you been playing Mineverse? Since November 27, 2013. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I moderated here for 4 months from March to July. Other than that, none. Why do you think you should become a mod? I believe that if I am given the opportunity I will learn and adapt to and for whatever comes at me, which has worked before. Being moderator previously taught me a lot, mentally and socially. It became part of me. I felt like I could do a lot more things than the person who was here in November could. It gave me confidence in myself, and with that confidence I went on to be the mod I hoped I would be: Confident, firm, but not too serious. Yes, I got in trouble once... twice... a few more times. I learned from that. If I ever became any form of leader, or put in a position like that again, I would be better, because I would know what I shouldn't do, but alongside that, know what I should do. I try my best to think I have pretty decent qualities, with some downsides. Yes, I know my mouth is... really, really bad, but of all you focus on is that, and not look at the better part of things... it gets nowhere. Besides, let me have my youth years! hehe. I always do my best to crack jokes, be they crap, or be they not that bad. I always feel nice and warm once I feel I've accomplished the task of getting a smile on someone's face, or knowing that I helped someone in a positive way. I always try to seem approachable, so I can help. I don't bite ;). I am mature... for my age. This isn't an opinion... not to sound brash, though. I try my best to handle situations that attract my attention, and I'm not afraid to get help from someone, partially because I'd be screwed without them. ;-; I try to be kind, I really try. I feel so bad for those people in movies, anyone who I really like/have nothing against, if something bad happens to them (not like they get robbed, I mean like abandoned or shunned) I feel bad for them. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is basically my bane of existence. I do my best to be active, and whatever time I miss ingame I make up for on the forums. I won't dwell here about "how good" or "how bad" I was, because all I wish for is a clean slate for my actions. Close: Thanks for reading. It means a lot to me. If you didn't read, here is the tl;dr version: Read it. Leave constructive criticism. I'll be editing this a hell of a lot more when I have time. Thank you. I mean that. I... really don't know what else to say, I want to make a good finish but don't want to look cheesy and stupid, lol. Just to reiterate, I understand I'm slightly inactive ingame due to Steam and the fun I'm having with it (;)) but I'll spend lots of time on the forums as I already have. Also, don't say no support because I was a "bad mod" please. Explain yourself first. Alongside all that, I'm sorry if you think my application is a bit short, but I feel I compacted everything I wanted to say into those few paragraphs. Credits: Inspired to do this by Glaad Approved by Glaad and a couple Sweg members.;) Written by me, worded by me, spellchecked by me as well. Thank you.
MPG, you are the reason I have Moderator. You introduced me to this amazing community. You are an amazing person. I know you can prove yourself. Support.
SUPPORT. MPG you did so much for the community, and I would love to see you back on the staff team. No doubt you were one of the greatest mods <3
Thank you so much. <3 So close to first. ://// <33 Thank you Jarroy <3 Thanks <3 Thank you <3 Thanks Yin. <3 Thanks <3 ty <3 Thanks for the encouragement <3 Edit: Thank you as well Max, <3
You were the best mod ever, even though we had past issues before you got mod, I still luv , you, If it wern't for you, I don't know if my app would still be open, the only reason I havn't gaven up, and am still here today is because of you you inspired me, Beefy, and many others :D SUPPORT!