I don't really have a list of people, but whenever I see someone that can beat me, I crouch and walk away pretending to be sad so they stop.
uh... not including me... 1. Me >:3 I lied 2. DevilOnVacation 3. Dontchallengeme 4.OnionTacobean 5. Davisabog Meh idk
I've got to agree with McNerd. His list is accurate, but Davis never plays anymore sadly so replace him with another, I can't think of one....
misspvp isn't even good she just epearls away. if you wanna fight someone actually good you have to fight lionbdcraft. he is actually good at that
Yes you can change your profile gender. And anyone can post a pic of a girl from google images, it ain't that hard. How about you stop being such a smart aleck ;)
Please know what you are talking about before you actually do talk, as if you know what you're talking about.