And i mean there are never staff on survival when im on properly beacuse all staff are american so we need european staff!
lol who said there are no staff on. There are probably staff on when you arent on. I go on survival a bit and I'm sure other staff do too. Plus we have lives.
I myself stay up until midnight for my side. And that would be morning for you guys. Plus there are afew mods that live in Austrailia...
I'm Canadian and I take offence to this. WHATCHA TALKING ABOOT EH?! We try our hardest be on to help as much as we can, but unfortunately we have lives to care for. But don't worry, whatever you need, we'll handle it in time.
I'm sorry. I admit I have been inactive. School has been a time-consumer and a computer-blocker for me, the worst part is that I am losing motivation to study as everytime i'm in my classroom I am having a hard time keeping up with my lessons because the garbage goes in and out of my ear. Trust me, there is nothing more I could want than to get on Mineverse and do my job. Again i'm sorry, I hope you understand.