Skyblock: Warp Killing Okay. So, I was on Skyblock today and people kept telling me to go to these warps that made you fall to your death. I was wondering if this is allowed because some people said it was and others disagreed. Just curious because if it isn't allowed, I'd like to report them. Thanks -Savvy
Death warps are very far from being allowed. However, they're not all intentional. If you find a death warp, take screenshots and report it to a moderator immediately.
Drop all your stuff off and warp there again. Take a screenshot of the chat saying you warped there and where it warps you.
Not really, because you never know, it could be a Titan in /god that warped to it. Thats why you need proof of the player advertising it
Mods should have /warpinfo, they should be able to see who's warp it is and be able to tell if it was intentional or not.
That's what would happen anyway, death warps are always to be deleted. If the player happens to delete the warp, then you'd need a screenshot of him/her saying it in chat and proof that it was a death warp.