I noticed today that 2 moderators do not have the /pay permission on skywars, and those are @canucksfan44 and @Firo3000. If these two are missing permissions, who knows how many more may be missing perms. I personally lost $3,100 on skywars to canucks because I was testing the amount of money I had, as I do not have the /bal command. Canucks was unable to pay me back, due to his lack of the /pay command, which is why I'm making this thread. Thanks.
first off if you had wanted to test how much money you had you should have went into a skywars game and bought something for 1 dollar and it will show your bal. second the /pay command glitch happened to me once. I waited until the next day and it worked or try going into a game and paying there though I highly doubt that it will work. it happened when I payed 600 skywars for 100k in factions... don't say anything about the deal when I next saw the guy on I payed him. so you should just be patient and wait for their commands to work again. hope this helps
I think that this has been resolved, I just paid @mindsensation 3.1k on skywars. Do you want this closed and archived?
Nono, this was mainly reporting the fact that some moderators need their permissions fixed. As soon as they're fixed, it can get archived. I appreciate you paying me, I'll pay you back the moment I can